Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hanging out with Bono

The International Program Manager (note: pdf link) for the Council of State Governments will serve as staff coordinator for CSG committees/affiliates, produce newsletters/reports, and work on policy issues related to trade/investment issues. Salary runs from $53-$70k, apply by October 31.

The National Association of College and University Business Administrators seeks a Director, Congressional Relations to serve as NACUBO’s primary legislative affairs expert and advocate.

The Arms Control Association invites applications for a full-time Research Associate dealing with nuclear weapons policy and nonproliferation issues. Responsibilities include regular reporting for Arms Control Today, as well as outreach to media, policy-makers and peers in the arms control arena. They begin reviewing applications on Nov. 15.

The ONE Campaign focuses on debt, AIDS, trade, and other issues related to helping African and other poor nations. They are looking for a new Assistant Director for U.S. Government Relations to enlist support from Congress, NGOs and other policy influencers. A Master’s in International Relations, Political Science or related field and four years of experience advocating and mobilizing efforts in support of Africa-focused legislation are required before you get to hang out with Bono and friends.

FasterCures is “dedicated to saving lives by saving time” – more specifically, by helping eliminate barriers to efficiency, effectiveness, and expediency in current systems of disease prevention, research, development, and treatment. You could help move that ball forward as their Assistant Director, Communications (note: pdf link). Traditional media work and online/social network development will be part of your portfolio. Still a student? How about an Internship there, instead?

Tech-oriented PR firm Merritt Group needs a Digital and Social Media Designer/Developer to develop web sites, blogs, podcasts and social network applications. Design chops and extensive technical expertise are required.

GolinHarris is looking for a Media Account Supervisor to drive media relations efforts for a variety of healthcare clients. Successful candidate will help plan and execute media relations programs, pitch and place news items, and supervise junior staff. Offices in Clarendon.

360JMG describes themselves as “one of Washington’s leading integrated marketing and communications firms.” They are in the market for a PR/Marketing Associate for Renewable Energy/Sustainability and Consumer Groups. I guess the sign of a modern, happening PR firm is that their website will crash beaten-down-old computers operating with Windows 2003, like mine.

AdvaMed, a trade association representing the health-care technology industry, needs a new Director of Communications. PR agency or corporate communications experience, along with health care, medical device, or diagnostics industry knowledge is preferred. They tout a “fast-paced environment” located “near the bustling Chinatown area,” – so you had best get that resume in right now - today - drop everything and do it!

O'Dwyers PR brings together a wide range of news, tools and resources related to public relations industry - including a job board and a long list of PR links. That's your job-search resource for today. Good hunting!

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