Friday, December 5, 2008

Alphabet Soup

Since 1985, amfAR has invested nearly $275 million in its efforts to fight the global AIDS epidemic though innovative research, awarding grants to more than 2,000 research teams worldwide. They note Director, Public Policy – Govt. Relations Manager – Policy/Communications Associate positions available in their DC offices, along with research and fundraising opportunities in their New York City headquarters. Public health experience is desired, along with the appropriate legislative, policy, and/or communications skills.

An anonymous fast-growing media company has asked the people at Wisdom & Williams to help summon a Super Executive Assistant from the ranks of you mortals. Energetic, go-getter types are encouraged to apply for this $70k-$80k gig.

Enviro non-profit Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development is also looking for an Administrative Assistant via less-than-complete craigslist ad. You’ll need to check the IGSD website to see where to send the application.

Pfizer looks to bring one or more Senior Director, Reimbursement and Regulatory Affairs (search DC location or job IDs 92997 or 92998) on board to develop relationships with key political-level and senior management-level leaders among an alphabet soup of regulatory agencies: CMS, CMM, CDHPC, CMSO, FDA, DoD, VA, & PHS. Of you can translate all of these off the top of your head, you’re probably halfway home; 10 years of experience working in or with said agencies is also desired. They also have a DC-based Director/Sr. Director, International Trade (job ID 92999) slot to advocate before Congress and trade/foreign policy agencies.

A couple possibly-relevant opportunities at American University: Administrative Assistant, School of Public Policy – and – Public Relations Coordinator, Washington College of Law (scroll around, you’ll find ‘em). A caveat – the PR Coordinator slot was posted in late September, but sports a Jan. 23 closing date, along with $42k-$48k salary band, so check before applying. The Admin. Asst. job appears fresh off the boat – posted Dec. 3 – and pays $14.50 to $16 an hour (it pays better than the Assistant Volleyball Coach gig, at least).

You’ve got a little more than a week (Dec. 13) to get your act together and apply for the Outreach Coordinator & Database Manager job at the Brookings Institution. They estimate your duties will be apportioned as follows: 50% event planning/execution, 40% constituency relations & database work, and 10% publications/web. But who are we kidding – you’ll probably spend most of the day on Facebook. Salary mid-$30k range.

Sage Communications has openings for Account Executives (plain old AE’s and the Senior variety) who are eager to skyrocket their careers in service to their technology company and government contractor clientele. Your Dad will surely make jokes involving sage advice, and someone will ask you if work for Sage Rosenfels, but give it a shot, anyways. Here’s a direct link to their career page, as well. Tyson’s Corner location – as well as San Francisco.

Speaking of Tyson’s-based firms with a California satellite office (San Diego in this case, along with New York and New Jersey) – TARGUSinfo is currently seeking a Senior Public Relations Manager to join their dynamic MarCom team. Extensive public relations experience in a business-to-business situation, and all kinds of initiative, drive and general dynamism seem to be the major qualifications.

New Mexico beckons – and so does the Los Alamos National Laboratory – for the right Communications Specialist 3 candidate. Media relations and other internal/external communications duties are part the equation; the ability to achieve Q-level clearance is another. Pay range: $62k-$102k.

The also-NM-located Sandia National Labs is searching for a Technical Manager (keyword: 61515) to join their government relations team there. You’ll help guide policy initiatives and build support for Sandia, and increase connectivity within the organization. Congressional staff experience, advanced degree, and a security clearance will be required. Apply by Dec. 31.

Friday's career-catching resource is the job board from the National Council of Nonprofits.

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