Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Heavy Flak

We are going to experiment with bringing you industry-focused info on Tuesdays. For this week’s edition, we’ve scoured the websites of DC-area public relations firms. What follows is an alphabetical links list of flak-industry career pages, with brief descriptions of what (if anything) is available. Note: in many cases, our link will be to a company's main career/employment page; your usual best course of action from there is to search for DC-area opportunities.

We welcome any additional content from PR-firm HR folks at any time, and plan to run another PR-specific listing next month on Feb. 3.

Adfero GroupAccount Director

– multiple opportunities in DC office: Business Finance Manager, Conference Center Coordinator, Manager/SAE B2B Communications, Media Relations Manager, Online Strategist – Health Care

– search DC office location to find: Public Affairs Director, Desktop Support Specialist, Billing Specialist, Director Issues and Crisis Group, Senior Associate/Manager Issues and Crisis Group, Director Direct Impact, Grassroots Communications Specialist

Borenstein Group
– DC opportunities include: Web Developer, Director of New Business Development, Accounts Director

Brand Bureau
you are always welcome to submit your information for their review

Brodeur Partner
s are always scouting talented PR, marketing, and communications professionals

Crosby Marketing Communications
– click on the careers link here for resume submission info

– Richmond, Va. (& NYC) – does not have any positions available. Don't let that stop you though!

– they list an Accounts Director, Issues and Advocacy position in DC among their complete list of opportunities. However, please note that the listing dates back to September.

– They note Senior Director & Director opportunities available – note: you must click the "about us" link to get to career info.

notes no job opportunities at this time in their Washington DC office

Fleishman Hillard
– they reference mostly-creative/web oriented opportunities in their DC outpost – Editorial Director, Junior Designer, Social Media Specialist Healthcare, ASP.NET Developer, Art Director


no specific opportunities referenced

Golin Harris
nothing currently available in their Arlington offices. Looks like they're hiring in LA.

Hager Sharp
– three DC-based opportunities: Project/Contract Administrator, Health/Social Marketing Project Director, Senior Account Director/Account Supervisor

Hill & Knowlton
asks that you send them a resume, if you think you have what it takes

Imre Communications
– three opportunities with this Baltimore-based outfit: Senior Social Marketing Leader, Copy Writer, Account Supervisor

Ketchum Inc.
Account Coordinator and Account Executive opportunities in DC office.

Jones Public Affairs
Senior Vice President and Senior Account Executive

Levick Strategic Communications
– assorted Account Executive and Account Supervisor-level positions

– formerly known as Manning, Selvage & Lee – appears to have no current DC openings

Merritt Group
– no mention of any opportunities available in their Reston locale, but they do show an HR contact here

MWW Group
asks you to join their team, even though no current DC gigs are found via their search page.

Ogilvy PR
no DC-based opportunities appear listed at this time

O’Keeffe and Company
does tout current specific availabilities, but they do provide an extensive list of position descriptions and invite you to send resumes. They also note a $5,000 Technology Business Plan contest that ended 14 months ago.

is revamping their website, and the career section is currently missing. However, they do provide a pretty neat inside look at their web development efforts. I’ll let you folks know when their employment info resurfaces online.

Potomac Communications Group
is always looking for new team members

Qorvis Communications –
wanted: top talent (but no openings at this time)

Ruder Finn
no specific listings, but you can always send them a resume

Sage Communications
: always looking for talented and creative people

Smith & Harroff
pop the question: interested in a public relations job?

SpeakerBox PR
hires the best and the brightest. That’s probably not you, but maybe you can fake it just this once.

Spectrum Science Communications
always seeking dynamic professionals of all levels to serve their health care clients

Sunstar PR/IR
Senior Account Executive

- always interested in meeting with talented professionals to discuss potential career opportunities in Accounting/Admin, Creative/Design/Web, Public Relations & Affairs/Account Management

Trahan Burden Charles
– Baltimore & NYC-located firm is currently looking for candidates along the lines of Account Management, Account Supervisor / Account Director, Senior Account Executive, Account Executive

Programmer and Account Manager opportunities

Vanguard Communications
Communications Assistant

The Wade Group
people are the greatest asset at this flexible work environment operation

Waggener Edstrom
Public Affairs Manager & Senior Account Executive slots found by searching DC office

Weber Shandwick/Powell Tate
Billing Supervisor. Also, here’s a separate entreaty for your resumes from Powell Tate.

Widmeyer Communication
sVice President and Assistant Vice President, Media Relations (scroll to bottom)

Xenophon Strategies
is always looking to add exceptional communications professionals

asks: do you have the z-factor?

Zeno Group
zero opportunities


  1. This is great stuff. Thanks very much !!!

  2. Fabulous information! Thanks for complying this for us!
