Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Media Bias

For our Tuesday industry-specific spotlight* – we bring you jobs and career opportunities in media and journalism in the DC area. Happy hunting to all ink-stained wretches, talking heads, Perry White-wanabees, or the next Mary Richards among you.

ABC News
Atlantic Media
Congressional Quarterlypositions referenced here include: Budget/Approps Reporter, Defense/Foreign Policy Editor, Financial Affairs Reporter, Inside Congress Editor, News Editor, Reporter-Committees, and Web Producer.

Dow Jones Newswires
Exchange Monitor PublicationsReporter, Nuclear Energy

International Center for Journalists
Burns Fellowships (report from Germany) – apply by Mar. 1

NBC4Freelance producer/writer, daily hire photographer & cameraman positions

Need to Know NewsFinancial Journalist

National Public Radio
Radio Television News Directors AssociationPresident

Roll Call
SNL FinancialCopy Editor

Stateline.org (Pew Charitable Trusts) – Staff Writer/Senior Associate

Washington Construction News
Associate Publisher

Washington Post/Newsweek - Interactive
Washington Timeswide variety of positions listed – hands off Sports Agate Clerk slot – it’s ours!

WETADirector, Education Websites/Leaning Media

* we need a better name/term than that.

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