Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Think Tank Special

Today, we focus specifically on opportunities at think tanks and other selected NGOs in the Washington, DC area. If you are in the market for similar opportunities outside the Capitol region, this Worldpress.org Think Tank/NGO list would be an excellent place to start.

For any similar organizations I've missed in this edition, please email your opportunities – with links – to the address in my profile, and I'll make sure they are featured in subsequent postings.

American Council for Voluntary International Action
American Enterprise InstituteProgram Manager

American Physical Society
Executive Director (screening process may be well under way already)

Aspen Institute
Atlantic Council of the United States
Brookings Institution
Carnegie Endowment for World Peace
Catholic Relief ServicesExecutive Vice President, U.S. Operations – Baltimore, Md. – search here for Baltimore location if link not working

Cato Institute
Economic Policy InstituteDirector, Economic Analysis & Research Center

Environmental Law InstituteEditor, National Wetlands Newsletter/Program Associate, National Wetlands Awards

Eurasia Foundation
Federation of American ScientistsProject Manager for Biodiversity

Henry L. Stimson CenterGlobal Health Security Research Associate

Heritage Foundation
Joint Center for Political & Economic StudiesSenior Research Associate, African Americans & Global Warming Program

Lutheran World ReliefDirector of Marketing

Migration Policy InstituteAssociate Policy Analyst

National Endowment for Democracy
East Asia Program Officer

The Nixon CenterExecutive Assistant to the President – salary to mid-$30k range

Population Reference Bureau
Resources for the Future
Urban Instituteassorted research/program positions

World Resource Institute
WorldWatch InstituteClimate Energy Program Director


  1. some of your posts aren't coming through on google reader -- just the title.

  2. Thanks anon - I'll look into it. GB
