Friday, January 23, 2009

Three Days of the Intern

Day One - Think Tanks/NGOs - Capitol Hill & Political

With approaching deadlines for Summer 2009 internships, DCPA+CJ brings you our second intern-centric blowout: Three Days of the Intern. You'll find more than 200 intern opportunities (final number still to be determined; we're still adding new ones) – mostly in the public affairs field – posted over the next three days.

A few caveats, before we dive in:
  • We've been pulling these listings together for a couple of weeks, so it's possible a few links have been moved or deleted. Sorry for any dead ends.
  • In many cases, the link provided will take you to a main career page. This means you need to search further to find the internship (or multiple internships).
  • In a few cases, you may see outdated or incomplete info - meaning that this group hasn't updated their Summer 09 intern info yet. Of course, you could get ahead of the game by submitting your resume and cover letter early.
  • HR and intern-programming folks are more than welcome to post links to their opportunities below, or send them to me. I'll remove any posts that are spam, or not related to public-affairs internships.
  • Our first Intern Special was a simple - if extensive - alphabetical listing. For this multi-day edition, we'll be posting by organization type.
Think Tanks/NGOs

1) Africa Policy Information Center
2) American Council for Voluntary International Action – April 14
3) American Enterprise Institute – also note potential opportunities for 2009 graduates
4) American Foreign Policy Council – Mar. 15
5) American Institute for Contemporary German Studies – Mar. 15 – also 2009 DAAD Fellowship program – Feb. 28
6) Aspen Institute
7) Atlantic Council of the United States – Mar. 15
8) Atlas Economic Research Foundation
9) Brookings Institution
10) Cato Institute – Mar. 1
11) Center for Defense Information
12) Center for Global Development
13) Center for International Policy – Mar. 21
14) Center for National Policy
15) Center for National Security Studies – for current law students
16) Center for Responsive Politics – Mar. 1
17) Center for Strategic & International Studies – Mar. 15
18) Center for Technology & National Security Policy – May 1
19) Council on Foreign Relations – DC & NYC
20) Economic Strategy Institute – Apr. 1
21) Eisenhower Institute – April 6
22) Ethics & Public Policy Center – March 16
23) Environmental Law Institute – undergrad internships and fellowship/clerkships for law students/grads
24) Eurasia Foundation
25) Freedom Forumadditional info
26) Freedom House
27) FreedomWorks – formerly Citizens for a Sound Economy
28) Foundation on Economic Trends
29) The Fund for Peace
30) Henry L. Stimson Center – Mar. 1
31) Heritage Foundation – Feb. 1
32) Hudson Institute
33) Institute for Educational Leadership
34) Institute for Policy Studies
35) Institute for Women’s Policy Research – Mar. 2
36) Inter-American Dialogue – April 1
37) Joint Center for Political & Economic Studies
38) Middle East Institute
39) Migration Policy Institute – Mar. 15
40) National Democratic Institute
41) National Endowment for Democracy
42) National Institute for Public Policy
43) National Security Archive/George Washington University – Mar. 15
44) New America Foundation
45) The Nixon Center – May 15
46) Pew Charitable Trusts
47) Progressive Policy Institute – Mar. 1
48) Public Forum Institute
49) Resources for the Future – also, Library Internship listed separately
50) Urban Institute: UI/Brookings Tax Policy Internship (Masters or PhD Economic students) – additional internship info
51) US Institute for Peace – Research Assistant opportunities for students from selected DC-area universities only
52) Washington Institute for Near East Policy – Internship, Fellowship & Research Associate opportunities – application deadlines vary
53) Woodrow Wilson Center – also, Fellowships
54) World Resources Institute
55) WorldWatch Institute
56) Comprehensive listing of Think Tanks/NGOs – use this list to find additional opportunities, especially outside of the DC area

Capitol Hill & Political

57) Capitol Hill opportunities via
58) U.S. House of RepresentativesU.S. Senate – remember, there may also be opportunities in Congressional District Offices
59) Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies - Jan. 31
60) Congressional Black Caucus
61) Congressional Budget Office
62) Congressional Management Foundation
63) Congressional Research Service
64) Library of Congress
65) Morris K. Udall Foundation Native American Congressional Summer Internship Program
66) National Governors Association
67) Washington offices of selected Governorscomplete listing of U.S. Governors
68) U.S. Shadow Senator from District of Columbia
Added late: CQ listing of Hill Internships

69) Democratic National Committee
70) Democratic State Parties
71) Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
72) Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
73) Democratic Governors Association
74) 21st Century Democrats
75) Democratic Leadership Council
76) Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee
77) National Jewish Democratic Council
78) New Democrat Network
79) Other Democrat organizations, no intern info listed: CollegeFreedom CaucusPro LifeYoung
80) Other Democratic organizations listed (no links)

81) Republican National Committee – Mar. 16
82) Republican State Parties
83) National Republican Congressional Committee
84) National Republican Senatorial Committee
85) Republican Governors Association – April 10
86) National Federation of Republican Women – Feb. 11
87) Other GOP organizations, no intern info listed: AbroadBlackCollegeEnviroGOPACHispanicIrishJewishLawyersLiberty CaucusLog CabinTeenYoung
88) Other GOP organizations (no links)

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful list of opportunities! I am currently a college student looking for a summer internship and have been considering going to the DC area. It is going to be so much easier to find possible internships, all of the time you have spent working on this list is greatly appreciated.
