Saturday, February 28, 2009


Today’s entry is post number 100 for this little enterprise – and to mark the Centennial, I wish to provide some background info about this blog and myself.

DC Public Affairs + Communications Jobs is a blog designed to highlight new and recent jobs/internships in public relations, advocacy, lobbying, government relations, grassroots, communications, web development and similar fields. As the title implies, I feature mostly Washington DC, Virginia and Maryland career opportunities – but will occasionally reference interesting public affairs opportunities outside the area.

How to Use: The blog is primarily configured to be easily-browsed. It is probably best suited to individuals who are interested in quickly getting ideas and leads on jobs available in the public affairs/communications space. It is not intended to serve as a listing of every job available in public affairs – but rather, as a jumping off point and catalyst for job search efforts. It is also designed to be useful for the currently-employed, as a way to scan opportunities and keep an eye on the public affairs job market with minimal time investment required.

Design/Organizational Elements: Regular visitors have probably picked up on our schedule and design idiosyncrasies:
  • Monday, Wednesday & Friday usually feature about 10-15 job links and writes-ups with brief info on duties and qualifications, possibly some background info on the employer, and occasionally a joke or pun.

  • Mondays also highlight jobs closing in the upcoming week, with the dates referenced in red (a convention used throughout the site).

  • Tuesday’s offerings are usually specific to a certain industry segment, or job type. Here’s a catalogue of Tuesday industry-specific posts:

  • Thursdays are just-the-jobs days – and, like Tuesday, contain little or no exposition.

  • And Saturdays are devoted to alternative programming, like jobs with highly-rated employers in the area, or jobs/info that don’t quite fit the regular profile here.

  • You may notice in some cases, we’ve also included a job/requisition ID number or other search info, and a link an organization's main careers page, as some of these https/secure links may not work well on different computers.
Who am I? My name is Gordon Barnes. I am an advocacy communications professional with a background in online communications, grassroots, media relations, speechwriting, and advertising. I am currently doing limited consulting work, and I am looking for additional opportunities – either permanent or temporary, consultant or regular employment. I am flexible, adaptable, and broadly-experienced in public affairs through previous association, political organization and PR firm engagements. My email address can be found under view my complete profile at lower right; resume available upon request.

Why am I doing this?
This blog is a hobby, networking platform, and development exercise. It is a byproduct of my own job search efforts, and a tool to work on my communications skill-set.

I welcome feedback, I am happy to answer questions, and I will give online job-search advice to anyone seeking it.

Posting Jobs:
Send me links to your (legitimate) public affairs job opportunities – and, I’ll post them. Simple as that.

Finally – please pass this blog along to your friends and colleagues, whether job-seekers or not. Thanks for your consideration.

You can get brief updates/previews of DCPA+CJ by following barnesgordon on


  1. You Rock! I have found postings here that I have not seen elsewhere and have passed a link to this blog to dozens of friends. Thanks a million for doing this.

  2. Love your listings! Also appreciate the clever little twists you put in there... helps break up the tedium for this recently laid-off journalist. Thank you!
