Friday, March 6, 2009

Dazed & Confused

What a weird, wild week – snowy Monday to 70s Sunday, cratering Dow, Obama v. Limbaugh, dead people getting punched – and we’re even starting to get spam from Pakistan (Pakispam?) in our comments sections. The locusts will arrive any day now.

In that spirit, you’ll find a higher ratio of chaos, complexity and confusion than normal in our Friday edition – but also some truly-excellent-sounding public affairs jobs. We’ll start you off with a nice, attractive straightforward offering from .....

..... Fleishman-Hillard, who would like to add a Vice President, Business-to-Government Communications to the team, preferably of the energetic & self-starting sort. The usual senior-level recipe of project management, staff oversight and budget management will be on your plate. Strong understanding of the defense industry is required; experience with technology clients and the government market preferred.

General Mills needs an Executive Assistant (search keyword 4244BR or via Administrative Support category) for their government affairs office; all sorts of admin smarts, judgment and flexibility are sought. They look like they’re still shopping for one of your future bosses, too – see their recently-updated Washington Representative slot ("Other" category or 4089BR) as well.

Do you like ultra-complicated job listings with jargon like “The goal is to facilitate information flows within the WBG IT community to support harmonization, collaboration, and broad understanding of strategic priorities,” – all in eye-friendly 6-point type? Then perhaps the Senior Communications Officer posting with the World Bank is your thing. Apply by Mar. 11 – if you can figure it out by then. Want more punishment? Try Operations Analyst (MDB Relations) – apply by Mar. 19, or even Senior Knowledge Management Officer (also Mar. 19). This better not be that evil bank from the Clive Owen movie.

Speaking of complicated: the DC offices or the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, part of California's Monterey Institute of International Studies, which is an affiliate of Middlebury College (Vermont) ….. wait, where was I? Ah yes, the Martin Center would like to engage a Research Assistant to conduct research and assist in developing analyses and other publications regarding the spread of weapons of mass destruction and WMD-related terrorism. Apply by Mar. 20

IAP Worldwide
seeks a Health Policy & Legislative Analysis Professional for contracting work in support of the US Agency for International Development. Among the many requirements for the job: three to five years experience in analysis or management of international public health programs, especially HIV/AIDS or other infectious diseases programs, and/or tracking, analyzing and summarizing legislation and policy. Apply by Mar. 24.

You really can eventually find this Manager, External Relations job with Mondial Assistance (Richmond, Va.) on the Mondial/Allianz corporate website, but, in keeping with our theme of the day – it’s a tricky and confusing trip. Let’s hope your work as company’s primary business writer (brochure & web copy, client communications, presentations, and press releases), managing media relations, and herding outside PR contractors will prove less baffling. You can also try this odd pdf-hybrid https direct link – but no promises it’ll work.

I’ve always admired Consumer Reports, I think San Francisco is a great town, and I have nothing against Yonkers, NY. What’s the thread among these disparate notions? Consumers Union, publisher of the above-referenced mag (and all-around friend to consumers and other folk) has a Grassroots Organizer position, focusing on healthcare-related issues, which may be located in either of those humble burgs.

The National Education Association has some soon-to-close opportunities that are surely of interest to some of you:
The Marine Corps are looking for a Protocol Coordinator to serve as an advisor to the President of Marine Corps University and the Commander of Education Command. Duties include special event planning and handling protocol for interactions with government agencies, state and federal offices, and dignitaries foreign & domestic. Quantico location – pay $50k-$65k – job ID EA9-0301-09-K4243639-DE – apply by Mar. 13.

The Henry M. Jackson for the Advancement of Military Medicine seeks a Communications Specialist (use job ID 204109 “HIV Retrovirology Lab Gude” location). Some of your responsibilities: editing/coordinating of articles, brochures, presentations, newsletters and web conten; assisting with press inquiries, and managing internal and external communications networks and distribution vehicles. And how about some scoop on Sen. Jackson?

mCapitol Management/MWH seeks a legislative Legislative Assistant (search req ID 598BR or DC location) for admin support, legislative research, and monitoring Committee hearings/markups. There is also a VP/Director of Government Relations (597BR) job still shown as available in the DC office that we referenced in November – so you might want to do a little due dilegence before going too far with any of this.

Staffing pros Aerotek claim you can pull down $90-$110k as a Senior Government Proposal Writer for a nameless government integrator – and who are we to disagree? Some experience with an engineering firm/environment should be on your resume for this one.

The Committee for a Responsible Budget are probably ultra-busy these days – here’s a couple seats close to all the action. Bonus knowledge: CFRB is a program of the New America Foundation:
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) would like to bring a Public Affairs Specialist into their secret Arlington bunker. Pay is in the $94k-$160k range, job ID DAR-09-241187, apply by Mar. 9. Needless to say – a Top Secret clearance is required. Heck, they’ll probably even subject your cat to a background check. And why is DARPA even doing public affairs work in the first place?

The Brookings Institution is seeking a Staff Assistant for their Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform. Salary in the mid-$30k range, apply by March 31.

The US Navy Memorial Foundation is looking for a Major Gifts Officer with effective fundraising skills – including phone, face-to-face, written solicitations, and follow-up.

Even the job searcher’s resource to close the week is disconcerting – the Post’s Joe Davidson lets us know the federal hiring process is messed up. Thanks, Joe – just what we needed to hear today.

OK – that’s enough – I need a drink. I’m headed here, where I’ll be having at least one of these. At least it’ll be easy for the security consultants with the World Bank or DARPA to find me and have a nice, friendly talk.

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