Friday, April 24, 2009

Geeks Bearing Gifts

Friday's edition brings you public affairs and communications jobs from Park Avenue to the land of South Park, along with jargon aplenty, special investigations, cesspools, 420 enthusiasts, informatics, Environics, Brits, Patriots, and even Geeks bearing internship gifts. Enjoy.

AIPAC is looking for a Senior Political Analyst to track Senate & House races, along with national political trends – and to produce related reports, briefings and materials.

Female undergrads with an interest in technology policy should not miss this very-cool-sounding Public Policy Intern opportunity sponsored by the Women’s High Tech Coalition, Geek Squad, and Best Buy. They are looking in particular for female students who are passionate about science and technology, and want to work on related public policy and learn more about Capitol Hill. A $3,000 stipend is offered for this full-time, two-month assignment – applications due May 6.

Our pals at Paradigm Staffing have provided a pair of promising and proximate PR postings:
  • Small, independent, consumer & technology agencyAccount Director – Managing their consumer team and work with a mix of A-level and start-up clients. Family-friendly environment, some telecommuting possible.
  • Independent, multiple office tech PR firmAccount Exec or Sr. Account Exec – Opportunity to work on well-known clients in the enterprise software and government technology clients. Voted one of the best agencies to work for and lots of opportunity for growth.
  • They also have opportunities in San Francisco, New York & Salt Lake City
The DC office of New York based financial services firm Marwood Group seeks candidates for an Energy Policy Analyst position. Congressional staff or relevant executive branch staff experience preferred.

What would Friday & DCPA+CJ be without a couple of jargon-heavy and borderline-indecipherable opportunities from the gang at the World Bank?
  • Practice Leader, External Relationships – sample verbiage: Develop and manage a comprehensive and strategic long-term partnerships strategy with regional and national centers of excellence (delivery partners), and with multilateral and bilateral donor partners (resource partners). – apply by Apr. 29
  • Practice Manager, Governance – sample verbiage: Guide staff in developing learning programs in governance that emphasize practical knowledge on the ‘how’ of reform, using instruments such as practitioner knowledge exchanges, peer networks, and delivery of programs through regional partnerships. Facilitate multistakeholder consensus building. – apply by Apr. 26
The American Medical Informatics Association wants this CV: one-to-three years experience using web technologies; electronic and print design skills including an interest in seeking out new and emerging web technologies. Also excellent writing and proofreading skills with the ability to manage multiple and shifting priorities and projects under pressure of tight deadlines. The job in question? Interactive Communications Coordinator.

The Ultimate Players Association – the national governing association of this ever-popular disc-based sport – is looking for an Executive Director (note: pdf link) to run the operation and grow the game. You’ll have to relocate to the beer- and bud-friendly burg of Boulder, CO, however. Pay is in the $80k-$95k range, which should allow you to keep plenty of this in your fridge. Apply by Apr. 30.

Environics Communications is on the hunt for Account Execs and/or Senior Account Execs (scroll down) – 4-8 years experience, preferably of the agency variety, and the always-relevant PR skill-sets (communications skills, initiative, & multi-task ability) are sought.

How about a job that offers a bit of the pleasant and cheerful* academic lifestyle and the challenge of communications/PR work? Specifically, Director of Marketing & Communications with George Mason University. Among your many duties: strategic long-term planning and overall management of the school's brand across all programs and multiple communications platforms (publications, websites, promotional materials and events). Apply by May 15.

The British are hiring! The British are hiring! Spread the word to every Fairfax village and Glover Park farm – our special relationship BFFs from across the Atlantic have these opportunities at the British Embassy in DC:
Neat-sounding-title alert: Director of Web Communications and Special Investigations with the NAACP, in Baltimore. This journalistic-oriented position is responsible for assigning, editing and producing original content across multiple platforms such as web, film, print and audio relating to domestic human and civil rights abuses and other areas aligned with the NAACP’s mission.

Fleishman-Hillard is in search of a Vice President for their New York-based CPR Worldwide global healthcare subsidiary. You may be Manhattan-bound if you are organized, creative, and have a minimum of 8-10 years of large agency experience in developing and implementing PR programs specifically related to health and pharma products – along with a experience managing major media programs and a proven track record of success in securing placements.

The Manhattan Institute would be happy to lure some sharp young conservative from the swampy cesspool by the Potomac to the less-swampy cesspool on the Hudson to serve as Managing Editor for a passel of publications and reports. Writing, editorial work, production oversight, and the always-fun duty of deadline-enforcement are part of the package.

And, for our final Gotham diversion – the Asia Society is looking for a candidate with characteristics including: visionary, exceptional, creative, organized, energetic and enthusiastic. Surely these plaudits don’t apply to you – but maybe you know someone who would be a good fit for their Vice President, Communications (note: pdf link) offering. Park Avenue offices, probably swank.

The Center for Community Change is a national social justice non-profit organization founded in 1968 to honor the life and values of Robert F. Kennedy. They have created a new post – Director of Organizational Initiatives – to develop strategic directions and priorities, manage organization-wide initiatives; build and maintain external relations, and work on governance-related issues. They’re also ISO a Senior Legislative Associate for all things policy-advocacy-legislative.

Perhaps we were motivated by the previously-mentioned Special Investigations gig – because we did some digging on this Executive Assistant to the CEO job with an anonymous non-profit – and we think (not sure, but some strong indications) it might just be this group. Pay is $43-$48k range.

As some of today’s job offerings are of the far-flung variety, we’ll close the week nominating a distant kindred spirit as Friday’s job search resource – Andrew Hudson’s Job List, focusing on the Rocky Mountain region, features a lot of excellent PR/communications jobs and resources in that area – and he’s likely too professional to adopt the tagline we'd like to suggest for his operation: Things to Do in Denver When You’re Fired. But seriously, Andrew's site is truly great – on a scale of Baldwin, he’s an Alec, we’re a Billy.

* As always, not a guarantee.

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