Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hog Wild

Current openings at Politico include Media and Special Products Assistant (video editing experience and familiarity with Final Cut Pro desired) and Copy Editor (talented, detail-oriented, and experienced, please).

Hurry! The application deadline is today, April 15 to be a Communications and Energy Hog Intern (really!) with the Alliance to Save Energy. It’s up to you whether to actually mention the estimable EH on your resume in later years.

What are the odds that this Web Communications Specialist (note: pdf hybrid link) opening with the DC Lottery (DC Lottery Charitable Control Board, to be exact), dating back from February, is still available? Perhaps the $65k-$96k they offer will motivate one of you to investigate further.

We featured this Supervisory Public Affairs Specialist (apply by Apr. 26) job with the Treasury Dept.’s new Office of Financial Stability (TARP Program) in Monday’s edition. Today, we went hunting for more OFS opportunities:The sharpies at APCO Worldwide have a freshly-posted Grassroots/Public Affairs Manager position waiting for someone with campaign/grassroots organizing experience, along with exceptional and deadline-capable writing skills.

Staying on the global PR firm beat – Waggener-Edstrom has been looking for a Vice President, Global Development to drive business development process as serve as senior agency contact to clients in the global development/aid sector. Search here using DC location if link is uncooperative.

Energy & materials conglomerate Koch Industries notes two government relations opportunities in their DC offices:
Jones Public Affairs – a healthcare-focused agency – has a summer Intern (note: pdf link) opportunity of the paid variety available.

America’s Future Foundation seeks a part-time (5-10 hrs/week) Website and New Media Director to administer and oversee the backend of AFF’s website and assist with other media/technology-related duties.

As Store Marketing Specialist/Community Liaison with Whole Foods, you will develop marketing plans, manage community/public relations, and help oversee in-store collateral materials and events. Silver Spring, MD location.

Fanatic about perfection in the details, have excellent verbal and written communication skills, and absolutely love working with a creative team to deliver web and interactive projects on-time and on-budget. If this sounds like you, a mystery Reston-based PR (?) firm might hire you on as Web/Interactive Account Manager.

To mark the advent of the Capitals’ incipient run to the Stanley Cup starting tonight, we bring you the NHL’s Hockey Jobs. Looks like the Lightning need a new Brand Management Art Director.

* job was posted on Good Friday, April 10 - and closes April 15. Sounds to us like the OFS Team already has somebody in mind for the position.

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