Saturday, May 2, 2009

Advertising Department

A handful of individuals following this site or my twitter feed (barnesgordon) have blog or websites associated with their personal job search in PR or public affairs, or referencing their solo-practitioner PR firm/capabilities. Here's a few examples I've found:
You will notice that I have not included names (although they can be found inside the links), so that they are not likely to show up in a google search as associated with a job-seeking site. Of course, if any of the folks listed here would like their link to be removed, shoot me an email (see view my complete profile at lower right), and I'll cut it.

But - here is my offer to you - if you are a job searcher in public affairs/PR or related fields (media, government relations, web development, corporate communications) and have a personal job search website or linkedin profile, send it to me, and I'll reference it on the site; either in a Saturday post, or a daily post. Include a title (something like looking for a PR job in Chicago) and a concise, single sentence description of your background/skills (for example, mine is broad advocacy communications experience including media relations, grassroots, online communications, speechwriting, social media and advertising).

Please be a solo PR/public affairs practitioner, or full-time job-searcher, and not an internship-searcher. Also - please, no tiny-url submissions - I am seeing them increasingly used as spam/virus trojan horses of late.

I don't know where this will lead - but I would certainly like to help a few of you aspiring PR and public affairs job seekers - and solo practitioners - find jobs and/or business opportunities.

Also - this recently dropped in my in box, and I wanted to pass it along (note: I know nothing about this organization personally):

My name is Jess Rimington and I'm the Executive Director of a small non-profit called One World Youth Project ( We have a pending opportunity to incubate in collaboration with Georgetown University. This would provide us with the ability to bring 5 of our international staff members from Philippines, Nigeria, and the USA together in one place for two years to scale our budding program. However, since there is not enough office space within Georgetown University, this offer is dependent on our ability to find office space for free in the D.C. area.

We are looking for enough space for 5 people from August 2009 to August 2010. (Ideally August 2009 to August 2011). We are extremely flexible and could work in cramped, windowless quarters. If you know of any businesses or non-profits anywhere in the D.C. the area that may have extra space, please contact me at the email found here (scroll to bottom).

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