Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Journalist, Lobbyist, Evangelist, Analyst

In addition to the mentioned-yesterday Chief Executive Officer (note: pdf link) opportunity, the National Association of Conservation Districts is also in search of a Communications Associate & Web Manager (also pdf). Apply by May 22.

The Save Darfur Coalition is looking to retain a Senior Director of Communications who can lead media relations, organizational branding and positioning strategies. Also sought: Online Communications Associate (scroll down) to help manage website, formulate and implement online strategy, build e-mail lists, and expand presence on blogs and social networks.

The online social media platform cabal at Ning are looking to retain a Director of Business Development, Politics & Activism. Among their wants for the position: track record of using the Internet and technology to advance the agenda of candidates, campaigns, and activist issues, along with demonstrated ability to navigate the Washington DC political ecosystem.

They’re throwing some pretty good coin ($117k-$177k) around for the next Director, Office of Communications for the Dept. of Health and Human Services. Job ID HRSA-SES-2009-0001; apply by May 29.

Here’s a low-experience or perhaps even entry-level opportunity in the employ of the USA: Program Specialist with the Office of Management & Budget – Health Division of OMB – $33k-$65k – job ID OMB-09-43-SR – apply by May 27.

Here’s a link to a search for other DC-area Program Specialist postings on

The State Department is seeking a Program Coordinator for their Near East/North Africa/South and Central Asia Branch of the Regional Programs Division in the Office of International Visitors. $41k-$53k – job ID AR257984 – apply by June 1.

The Voluntary Carbon Standard Association has two slots available, and seek resumes by June 10 for:
This independent research firm wishes to keep their identity a secret while they cast their lines for a Policy Analyst – preferably with Democratic Hill experience. Pay range of $35k-$50k noted.

Small non-profit organization involved in DC higher education and community service is seeking a part-time Program Assistant - $12-$15 hr. – 10-15 hours per week.

The Census Bureau is scouring the precincts for a Congressional Liaison Assistant to join them for a year or two in their Suitland, MD location. Pay band is $41k-$53k, job ID CAO-2009-0083, apply by May 26.

We usually don’t feature meeting-planning opportunities, but we figure one of you folks might be interested in the Events Associate (scroll down) position with the Solar Electric Power Association – or perhaps the Administrative Associate (Finance & Operations) is more to your liking.

Reston’s AppASure Software is challenging candidates for their Social Media Evangelist gig to tweet your application to them. If you don’t know what that means, don’t even bother with the link.

Al Jazeera English is looking for a Senior Journalist to work on its web site as part of its DC-team. They would like you to have a passion for the international stories ignored by other media outlets – and Spanish and/or Arabic language skills would likely help your cause.

Marketing communications company specializing in political/public affairs advocacy and fundraising is seeking a PAC Fundraising Intern. Best candidates will be enthusiastic, well-spoken individuals with political savvy and experience communicating with or selling to the public. Base pay of $10/hr. plus potential bonus/incentives. We’re pretty sure it’s these folks, based on the info in their description.

Get your resumes (and writing samples) in by May 29 for the Jr. Media Officer job with Greenpeace. As the title implies, your days will be spent doing things like developing and maintaining relationships with reporters, television producers and other journalists, and also writing up press releases/advisories, op-eds, letter to the editors, fact sheets, and the like.

Wednesday's job-search resource is the Jobs in Lobbying blog, along with their related job board, powered by the oft-useful Simply Hired search technology.

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