Friday, June 12, 2009

Brits, Luddites, Armaments, Chimps

We welcome a much-needed Friday. To celebrate, we've found you an eclectic mix of jobs to chew on. Bon appetit.

Special update - 6/12 - 5:00 pm - we just stumbled across this soon-to-close Communications Officer opportunity with our verbose pals at the World Bank - apply by June 14.

The Brookings Institution is seeking a Communications Officer to be responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive communications strategy for their Governance Studies program – including website presence, media/press and stakeholder outreach, event planning and publications production. Upper $60k salary range, apply by June 30.

Multiple opportunities abound at Greenpeace:
American Near East Refugee Aid , a development/relief organization focused on the Middle East and particularly the Palestinian people, is seeking an experienced fundraiser to serve as Director of Institutional Giving. Arabic language skills desired.

Here’s a far-flung Friday opportunity for you - Deputy Director, Government & Community Relations with the University of California in Berkley. Can also find via the Cal employment website, using job req. # 9876 – where you’ll find the $100k-$110k salary info noted.

Business media and marketing firm Hanley Wood has a few desks to fill:
The Director, Corporate/Advocacy Advertising for the Washington Post Co's Foreign Policy magazine and web operation can be located in DC or New York offices. So you’ve got that going for you.

Applications are cordially invited for the position of Executive Assistant to the Regional Director for UK Trade & Investment, located out of the British Embassy in DC. No application deadline noted, but the Brits plan on interviewing select candidates on July 9.

With 105,000 employees worldwide, BAE Systems could have their own army. So it’s perfectly sensible that they also build their own armored combat vehicles, major and minor caliber naval guns and missile launchers, canisters, artillery systems, and intelligent munitions. Get on the fun as Manager, Internet Content for BAE’s Land and Armament Group.

Constituent Services Manager – sounds like a Capitol Hill job title – but Arlington County is also hiring ‘em – and for more than what Hill version pays, we imagine – $49k-$82k. Can also search here, if needed.

The Council Oak appears to be a newly-formed public policy consulting firm that focuses environmental and natural resources topics. They are looking for a Program Assistant/Public Policy and Water Resources with knowledge of laws, regulations, government programs related to water resources to work on a project in conjunction with the Army Corps of Engineers. $50-$65k; apply by June 15.

The Nature Conservancy has added this Senior Policy Advisor, Dept. of Interior posting since our recent environmental special – apply by June 26. You can also search here using job ID 11093.

Save the Chimps was established in 1997 in response to the Air Force's announcement that it was getting out of the chimpanzee research business. After a year-long struggle, Save the Chimps gained permanent custody of 21 chimps, survivors and descendants of those captured in Africa in the 1950’s and used by the Air Force in the original NASA chimpanaut program. Today, nearly 300 chimps in Florida and New Mexico are being cared for through the program. Are you the chimp-loving pro ready to take over as Executive Director of this worthy Ft. Pierce, FL-based operation? Please say “yes.” Search managed by the Explore Company.

The Results for Development Institute is dedicated to reducing poverty and improving human welfare. Jobs available to help in the fight include:
I can’t exactly figure out exactly what the Public Affairs Protocol Functional Expert with ISYS Technologies does – and that’s probably just the way they like it. Several opportunities available, secret clearances required.

Passion for new media, think strategically and execute flawlessly, long work hours and short deadlines, unparalleled opportunity – all appear to apply to jobs with Rock Creek Strategic Media:
The Federal Aviation Administration is willing to pay a business-class level $59k-$111k for a Writer/Editor to help promote (or explain) their Next Generation Air Transportation System. Job ID AWA-AJP-09-FEDEXP-13647, final boarding call for resumes on June 19.

Here’s your Friday job-seekers resource: the Mashable Social Media Network is surely too cool for the junior fogies and borderline-Luddites on the DCPA+CJ team, but some of you iPhone enthusiasts and twitterati types probably would find their social media job lists and resources useful, as well as their jobs board and weekly guide. And yes, we realize you probably heard of it ages ago. Well, good for you.

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