Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Environmental Special #2

A day late - but we hope we're less than a dollar short - with a Wednesday industry focus on environmental public affairs and communications jobs:

American Farmland Trust
Vice President of Development

Audubon Society
Center for Clean Air Policy
Center for a New American Dreamvarious intern opportunities

Conservation International:
EnergeticsRenewable Energy and Environmental Analyst

Environmental Defense Fund:
ICF Internationalvariety of opportunities under college recruiting, energy, and environmental categories

Izaak Walton League:
League of Conservation VotersCommunications Director (posted 4/21)

Marine Fish Conservation Network
Special Projects Intern – apply by July 15 for Fall 2009

National Geographic Societywide variety of intern, admin and editorial jobs

National Wildlife Federation:
  • Search DC opportunities for these: Senior Manager, Public Lands Campaigns, Global Warming Intern, Lawyer (Volunteer - Deferred Associate), Communications Intern, Restoration Intern
  • Search Reston, Va. opportunities for these jobs: Coordinator-Conservation & Education Philanthropy, Web Content Assistant
Natural Resources Conservation ServicePublic Affairs Specialist – $47k-$57k – job ID NRCS 09-VA-114 B – apply by June 18

Natural Resources Defense Council:
Nature Conservancysearch here, using ID numbers listed, for Deputy Director of Philanthropy (11000) Media Relations Manager, Strategic Communications (10987) Web Production Manager, Strategic Communications (11132) Conservation Project Info Specialist (11127) Wetlands Restoration Specialist (11137) Trustee Program Coordinator (11135)

Pew Charitable Trusts Associate, Global Campaign to Save Sharks – other older opportunities also listed

Sierra Club:
Union of Concerned ScientistsSenior Washington Representative, Clean Vehicles Program

Voluntary Carbon Standard Association - apply by June 10 for:
Wilderness Society:
World Wildlife Federation:

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading this employment blog. It's a great service to those of us seeking new employment. You even manage to inject a bit of humor into the posts--always a plus!

    Thank you again for the good work.
