Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Think Tank Special III

It's a mid-summer morning's dream for policy types, academics and internship aspirants: our third Think Tank Special edition: jobs and internships in think tanks and public policy research organizations, mostly DC-focused.

We welcome any relevant additions or corrections. Please check back later in the day, as we expect to add some more outside-of-DC opportunities.

While we have made an effort to exclude jobs that are especially dated, you might want to also compare current listings to our March 2009 Think Tank Special to determine the freshness of some of these opportunities.

America SpeaksDirector of Citizen Engagement

American Enterprise Institutemultiple opportunities – titles include: Vice President of Communications, Research Assistants (health, economic/social, foreign policy), Editorial Assistant, Program Manager – Intern info here

American Foreign Policy CouncilInternship info – apply by July 15

American Institute for Contemporary German Studies - Development Intern

Aspen Institute:
Atlantic Council of the US:
British-American Security Information CouncilIntern info

Brookings Institution:
Buckeye Institute President Columbus, OH

Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
Staff Writer New York

Carnegie Endowment for World Peace
Cato Institute:
Center for American Progress:
Center for a New American SecurityPublications Manager

Center for Global Development:
Center for Strategic & International Studies:
Center on Budget & Policy Priorities:
Center on International Cooperation Statebuilding Program Coordinator New York

Century Foundation:
Chicago Council on Foreign Affairs Intern info Chicago, IL

Competitive Enterprise InstituteWarren T. Brookes Journalism Fellowship – apply by July 18

Council on Foreign Relations:
Economic Opportunity Institute Intern info Seattle, WA

Economic Policy Institute
Living Standards/Labor Economist

Economic Strategy InstituteIntern info

Eisenhower InstituteInternships – apply by Aug. 15

Environmental Law Institute:
Ethics & Public Policy Center Intern info – apply by Aug. 1

Eurasia Foundation
Entrepreneurship Instructor, Online Women and Entrepreneurship Program

Federation of American ScientistsHerbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship, Spring 2010 – 6-9 month fellowship, $2,200/mo. stipend, apply by Aug. 15

Foreign Policy Research InstituteResearch, Editorial & Admin Interns – Philadelphia, PA – apply by Sept. 15

Fund For PeaceIntern info

Henry L. Stimson Center:
Heritage Foundation:
Hudson InstituteIntern info

Independent InstitutePublicity Assistant – $32k-$36k – Oakland, CA

Institute for Foreign Policy AnalysisSenior Research Associate – Cambridge, MA

Institute for Policy Studiesmultiple intern opportunities in various disciplines – apply by Aug. 5

International Center for Research on Women:
International Food Policy Research Insititute:
Institute for Humane StudiesDirector of Foundations Strategy

Institute for the Study of War
Joint Center for Political & Economic StudiesInternship info

Migration Policy InstituteSenior Policy Analyst / Director, US-Mexico Study Group

National Bureau of Economic Research - Research Analyst - Palo Alto, CA

National Endowment for Democracy:
New America Foundation:
Nixon CenterIntern opportunities

Open Society Institute
Senior Policy Analyst – apply by July 17

Peterson Institute for International EconomicsResearch Assistant

Pew Charitable Trusts:
Population Reference BureauSenior Policy Analyst, International Programs – apply by July 24

Public Policy Institute of CaliforniaResearch Associate – San Francisco, CA

RAND Corporationmultiple opportunities in Washington area and nationwide

Research Triangle Institutewide variety of policy research opportunities, many appear health-related – Research Triangle Park, NC

Resources for the FutureResearch Assistant, Public Health

Strategic Studies InstituteExternal Research Associates Program

Third Way:
Urban Institute:
Woodrow Wilson CenterIntern opportunities – apply by July 20

World Affairs Council:

World Resources Institute:
World Security InstituteIntern info

WorldWatch Institute

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