Saturday, November 7, 2009

Capitol Hill Jobs & Internships

For the bright young folks still inspired to come to Washington by the Yes We Can crowd, Tea Party mania, the impending debut of the Real World DC* or maybe Dad's beloved The West Wing on DVD collection – well, we probably can’t stop you, so we might as well help you, with a Saturday special edition on finding jobs on Capitol Hill – in the US Senate, House of Representatives, or related organizations.

Listed in our completely subjective order of utility and job-availability:

The always-robust and consistently-updated Senate Employment Bulletin

Cloture Club – a solid site to get a sense of life on the Hill; they also find and feature jobs on the Hill (and elsewhere).

House of Representatives Admin Openings - note: to find additional opportunities in Congressional offices, mouse over the jobs noted on this page until you see the one with the highest PositionID number at the end of the link (or a "new" tag); if you click that listing (or any listing) you can change the ID number to see other opportunities in Hill offices; keep increasing by one until you get a blank listing. This may sound complicated at first reading, but give it a try and you should be able to get the hang of it pretty quickly.


Congressional Quarterly

Roll Call and The Hill occasionally have Capitol Hill jobs among their listings, although their House/Senate jobs are usually of the more senior variety.

House of Representatives Admin Openings

Library of Congress Jobs – also: Internships/Fellowships/Volunteer

Congressional Budget Office

Architect of the Capitol

House of Representatives admin via

US Senate admin via

US Capitol Police

Need to pay the bills while you continue your search for your Hill gig? PoliTemps is a placement agency for the politically-ambitious and -oriented. Or, check out our recent Search Firm/Staffing special edition for other admin/placement firms.

Among the wealth of working/jobs on Capitol Hill info available online, we especially like this standout primer: Capitol Hill & Lobbying/Government Relations Jobs (pdf) from George Washington University's School of Law.

Future Capitol Hill Internship aspirants might enjoy additional behind-the-scenes fun from the Spotted: DC Summer Interns blog.

And, finally, in the caveat-emptor department, here’s a new Capitol Hill jobs site where you can either pay $10 a month to see their premium listings (currently not available, it seems), or fill out some kind of survey/promo offer to see their "free" listings.

*okay – we’re only mentioning the Real World DC in a shameless SEO effort. And, we suppose copping to it here makes it extra-shameless.


  1. WebmasterNovember 7, 2009 at 8:49 PM

    Thanks for the backlink.

    Capitol Hill Jobs

  2. You forgot to reference the best site of all:
