Tuesday, December 15, 2009

J-o-b-s with the U-S-A

For your Tuesday focus, we bring you a selection of mostly-DC-domiciled federal government jobs & internships. More available, of course, at the easy-to use and surely-accurate USAjobs.gov and StudentJobs.gov sites.

Administrative Office of the US CourtsGraphic Design Internship – unpaid – job ID: 10-OPAF-304331 – apply by Dec 30

Agency for International Development
Student Intern – seven vacancies – $26k-$53k – full time temporary position, NTE one year – job ID: AID-10-0055A-LW – apply by Dec 31

Animal Plant & Inspection ServiceWriter/Editor – $50k-$95k – job ID: 24VS-2010-0031 – apply by Dec 28

Customs & Border Protection Agency
Public Information Specialist – three vacancies – $60k-$79k – job ID: IHC-304329 PBR PN – apply by Dec 21

Dept. of EnergyLegislative Affairs Specialist – $86k-$133k – job ID: HQ-10-DE-01-CI-0001A – apply by Dec 22

Dept. of Housing & Urban DevelopmentSpecial Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity – $102k-$153k – job ID: H10-DE-303770-TC – apply by Dec 21

Election Assistance CommissionChief Information Officer – $102k-$143k – job ID: EAC-09-08 – apply by Jan 8

Federal Retirement Thrift Investment BoardWriter/Editor – $50k-$79k – job ID: FRTIB-09-DE-028 – apply by Jan. 4

Federal Trade CommissionCongressional Liaison Specialist – $102k-$133k – job ID: OCR-2010-0001 – apply by Dec 18

Government Accountability Office:
Health Resources & Services AdministrationDirector of Legislation – $120k-$153k – job ID: PH-10-RCS-303264 – apply by Dec. 21

House of Representatives, Office of the Chief Admin OfficerExecutive Assistant – $68k – job ID: IO-006-09 – apply by Dec 22

Immigration & Customs Enforcement AgencyPublic Affairs Specialist/Web Content Manager – $102k-$133k – job ID: LAG-OPA-306117-LP-306-PN – apply by Jan 4

Millennium Challenge CorporationManaging Director – $125k-$165k – job ID: 10-0015A – apply by Jan. 8

National Institute of Food & AgriculturePublic Affairs Specialist – $120-$153k – job ID: NIFA-10XE-0001 – apply by Dec. 18

National Museum of the Marine Corps
Public Affairs Assistant – $33k-$53k – job ID: EA9-1035-07-K4306438-DE – apply by Dec. 28

Office of the Director of National IntelligenceLegislative Liaison Officer – $120k-$153k – job ID: PC924 – apply by Dec. 22

Peace Corps
Country Desk Officer – $52k-$94k – jobs ID: DPC9-A0213-JP – apply by Jan 1

Rural Housing Service
Public Affairs Specialist – $48k-$62k – job ID: NC-10-09 DEU – Raliegh, NC – apply by Jan 6

Securities & Exchange Commission
Research Clerk – $23k-$43k – ten vacancies in DC area – job ID: 10-297643-SF – apply by Dec. 31

Selective Service SystemPublic Affairs Specialist – $41k-$53k – job ID: AN302963 – apply by Dec. 24

State DepartmentHistorian – $73k-$95k – job ID: PA-2010-0012 – apply by Dec. 28

US ArmyPrincipal Deputy Chief of Legislative Liaison – $117k-$177k – job ID: DA-41-2009 – apply by Dec. 18

US Navy, Joint POW/MIA Accounting CouncilPublic Affairs Specialist – $50k-$114k – job ID: NW9-1035-02-4B515048-DE – Hickam AFB, HI – apply by Dec. 18

Veterans Health AdministrationPublic Affairs Specialist – $71k-$92k – job ID: VG-10-MBe-304131 – Miami, FL – apply by Dec. 17


  1. Gordon,

    Just wanted to know if you were planning on doing a part-time job listing for D.C. I know it would be immensely helpful for people like me who will be working an internship part/full-time and need to make some money on the side.


  2. Andrew - I appreciate the suggestion. That's a tough nut to crack - I don't know of any sites dedicated to part time work, but I'll try to hunt something down.

  3. If no one has told you guys lately...THANK YOU!! This blog is GREAT. It has become a tremendous resource for job seekers.
