Saturday, January 23, 2010

Intern Special 2010 - Part II

Day Two - Advocacy/Association - Humanitarian Organizations


180) AAA Mid-Atlantic
181) AARP
) AFL-CIO Solidarity Center
182) AIPAC - Feb. 26
183) Alliance for Global Education (pdf)
184) Alliance for Justice
185) Alliance to Save Energy
186) American Apparel & Footwear Association
187) American Bankers Association
188) American Bankruptcy Institute
189) American Bar Association
190) American Diabetes Association
191) American Farmland Trust
192) American Lung Association
193) American Youth Policy Forum
194) AmericaSpeaks
195) Arab American Institute
196) Asian American Justice Center - Internships, Fellowships, Law Student Clerkships
197) Athletes for Hope
198) Becky's Fund
199) Best Shot Foundation
200) Blue Cross/Blue Shield Association - DC & Chicago, IL
201) Boys & Girls Clubs of America
202) Center for Community Change
203) Center for Science in the Public Interest
204) Center on Juvenile & Criminal Justice - San Francisco, CA
205) Children's Defense Fund
206) Citizens for Responsibility & Ethics in Washington - undergrad & legal
207) Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
208) Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership - Mar. 1
209) Constitution Project
210) Consumer Electronics Association
211) Consumers Union - New York
212) Convergence DC - dialogue and consensus-building organization
213) Cystic Fibrosis Association - no DC opening currently show; other locations available
214) Drug Policy Alliance Network - DC, New York, Berkeley & LA, Santa Fe, NM
215) Farm Sanctuary - have had DC opportunities in past - NY & California currently available
216) Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
217) HALT (Help Abolish Legal Tyranny)
218) Generations United
219) Human Rights First
220) Human Rights Watch - DC & New York
221) International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution - legal & undergrad - New York
222) International Peace Operations Association
223) Marijuana Policy Project
224) Men’s Health Network
225) NAACP Legal Defense Fund (pdf) - Law Students - DC & New York - apply no later than January
226) NARAL/Pro-Choice Maryland
227) National Association of Broadcasters - Mar. 31
228) National Association of County & City Health Officials – Feb. 15
229) National Association of Federal Credit Unions
230) National Association of Manufacturers
231) National Breast Cancer Coalition
232) National Low Income Housing Coalition
233) National Marrow Donor Program
234) National Organization for Women - good intern housing info, too
235) National Science Foundation
236) National Trust for Historic Preservation
237) National Women’s Law Center
238) People for the American Way
239) Population Reference Bureau
240) Population Services International
241) Public Interest Intellectual Property Advisors - Feb. 28 & ongoing
) Public Justice – Legal Interns – candidates must have completed second year of law school by 2010; no first-year candidates eligible
242) Results Educational Fund
243) Reston Association
244) Search for Common Ground
246) Sustainable Agriculture Coalition
247) United Nations Foundation
248) US Chamber of Commerce - Apr. 20
249) Vera Institute for Justice (scroll down) DC & New York - Feb. 1
250) Volunteer Fairfax (volunteer opportunities)
251) Volunteers of America
252) Voices for America's Children
253) Washington Legal Foundation

Humanitarian Organizations

254) Amnesty International
255) American Jewish World Service - DC, New York & San Francisco - Mar. 1
256) American Red Cross - also check general opportunities and Intern, International Humanitarian Law
257) Campaign for Innocent Victims in Civil Conflict - Mar. 12
258) CARE (scroll down) - DC, Atlanta, GA and other major cities
259) CHF International
260) Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Human Trafficking - no Intern info noted, but a tell us about yourself application link (scroll down) available - we're guessing foreign language skills could help your (and their) cause
261) Doctors Without Borders - New York - Apr. 15
262) FINCA International - select Internship category
263) Friends of the Global Fight Against AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria
264) Global Action for Children
265) The Hunger Project - New York
266) InterAction
267) International Medical Corps - click on headquarters opportunities - note: links appear not active when you mouse over them, but click and you'll get results
268) International Orthodox Christian Charities - Baltimore, MD - Feb. 15
269) International Rescue Committee - DC and other cities - search intern category
270) International Rights Advocates
271) Malaria No More
272) Mercy Corps - mostly Portland, OR Internships currently shown, but they do have a DC office
273) National Peace Corps Association
274) ONE Campaign
275) Opportunity International - Oak Brook, IL
276) Oxfam America - Climate Change Intern
277) PATH - DC & Seattle, WA
278) Plan USA - Warwick RI - DC?
279) Refugees International
280) Results Educational Fund
281) Save Darfur Coalition
282) Save the Children - DC & Westport, CT
283) Share Our Strength
284) Soujourners - year-long program - Mar. 1
285) UNICEF USA - New York
286) United Nations World Food Program
287) USAID - Global Health Internship/Fellowship - Feb. 5
288) US Committee for the UN Development Program
289) Visions In Action
290) WaterAid America - DC & New York
291) World Vision - DC, Federal Way Washington & other major cities

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