Monday, April 26, 2010

Let us be clear - DynCorp is not evil (probably)

We welcome you back to normal programming with a mix of fine jobs and speculative slander of probably-fine-companies with just-a-little-sinister-sounding names. But first, you'll have to slog though our roster of previously-referenced opportunities closing this week:

The School for Field StudiesPhilanthropy Officer – Salem, MA – Apr. 26 – search managed by Nonprofit Professionals Advisory Group

United States Student Association:
Commodity Futures Trade CommissionWeb Content Manager – $104k-$153k – job ID: 10-059 – Apr. 27

Greenpeace General Campaigner, Toxics CampaignApr. 27

World Bank:
Dept. of the Army - Legislative Analyst - $105k-$136k - job ID: NEHT10164303D - Apr. 29

Library of CongressManagement Assistant – $37k-$53k – job ID: 100008 – Apr. 29

Dept. of Commerce/Economic Development AdministrationPublic Affairs Specialist – $74k-$115k – new media/online focus - job ID: EDA-HQ-2010-0047 – Apr. 29

Baltimore Water AllianceExecutive Director (pdf) – Baltimore, MD – Apr. 30

Smithsonian InstitutionDevelopment Officers – multiple positions – Apr. 30

Death Penalty Information Center
New Media & Information SpecialistApr. 30

Open Society InstituteProgram Coordinator, Justice Initiative – New York – Apr. 30

Embassy of KoreaResearcher/AssistantApr. 30

USMC/Leadership Communications Skills Center
Communications Program Coordinator - $59k-$70k – job ID: AD-1701-03-K4-001 – Quantico, Va. – Apr. 30

National Senior Citizens Law CenterDirector of Communications – $45k-$55k – Apr. 30

Refugees InternationalMedia Relations ManagerApr. 30

AFL-CIODirector, Union Veterans Council – prior military service is strongly recommended – Apr. 30

The National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations is seeking an entrepreneurial Executive Director to grow the organization into a national resource and voice for state and city community economic development associations. Organizational management experience in the field of housing and community development and fundraising skills are among requirements for the position.

Mathematica Policy Research
– the self-assessed leading research organization conducting social policy studies on health care, education, nutrition, disability, welfare, employment and related topics – seeks to fill newly-established Director, Public Policy position to lead media/communications efforts. Princeton, NJ and DC job locations referenced.

Oxfam USA - note: Haiti-referenced jobs below are DC-based:
Consulting, engineering & construction firm CDM seeks Executive Assistant (search using keyword 9172BR) for admin support related to legislative & PAC activities.

Darn! This neat-sounding (available to travel … including infrequent embarkation on a ship for an assignment at sea for periods up to a month) Public Affairs Specialist opportunity 2020 LLC is almost a month old. Of course, we would have liked to have found it for you when fresher. Marine science background/experience a must. Darn.

Staying with the PR-meets-science theme – how about this more-recent Science Writer/Public Relations Specialist (scroll back to 4/16 to find or use job ID 20550) with Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory? Media relations savvy and super-high brain power for all that technical stuff sought. Columbia, MD, location.

The Asahi Shimbun is Japan's leading national daily newspaper – and your next paycheck-grantor if you have the international finance experience needed for their Economics News Assistant/Staff Reporter position. Japanese language skills helpful, but not a requirement. Apply by May 7.

National Democratic Institute – most recently posted opportunities:
It’s for you! (ha! that’s lame, even by our minimal standards) – AT&TExecutive Director, External Affairs (search DC location or job ID: 1017834) – here’s a taste of your important-sounding portfolio: executive representation at national & federal level w/ multiple constituency segments, including & primarily the African American segment for AT&T third party and corporate initiatives; directing and developing third party voices in new media space, working as liaison & strategist w/ media relations team; directing policy priority campaigns including campaigns to educate all segments re broadband benefits … and it goes on from there.

Help the Justice Project in their work to increase fairness and accuracy of the criminal justice systems as Director of Development.

Doesn’t DynCorp International sound like one of those secretive and/or menacing firms that Russell Crowe or Denzel Washington is going up against in a Grisham-novel-adapted film? You don’t know how far this goes, Brockner! Drop it while you still can! Senior Director, Media Relations – develops proactive strategies for shaping perception of company, working with other company stakeholders and outside communications/public relations firms, as appropriate. Experience covering up vast conspiracies and occasional murders preferred.

The Blue Moon Fund seeks to improve the human condition by changing the relationship between human consumption and the natural world – probably by taking on evil corporate nemeses like our feverishly-imagined view of DynCorp above. Their Program Associate, Asia position is located in Charlottesville, Va. – where John Grisham actually lives. Spooky.

.... but what I really want to do is direct. OK, here's your chance: Director, PBS NewsHour Extra under the auspices of MacNeil/Lehrer Productions - $52k+

American Diabetes Association:
Not much new among full time staff positions at American University – but recent-ish part-time openings include Coordinator, Supplemental Instruction & Tutoring Services – $25/hr. - education background required – and also available: Public Address Announcer for selected AU athletics events – $15/hr., plus the fun of hearing voice booming over the PA.

Social change strategy firm Global Policy Solutions seeks Communications Director with issue advocacy campaign experience. Out-of-town, overnight travel is required at the suspiciously-specific 7% level.

American Chemistry Council:
State Association of Chiefs of Police - Manager - broad portfolio of communications/association management activities referenced - $65k-$80k - apply by May 14

Your Monday jobs resources: we recently added these companies to our pretty-great (if we do say so ourselves) directory of search & recruiting firms operating in the public affairs and admin space:

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