Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No Coffee Fetching

The National Academy of Sciences seeks Web Development Communications Manager for their Koshland Science Museum operation. Excellent writing skills are a must as the successful candidate will serve as chief editor responsible for all online communications – and relevant technical expertise also helpful.

Dept. of JusticeLegislative Analyst – $51k-$97k – job ID: COPS-10-403(DC)DEU – apply by Aug. 12

Mount Vernon:
Koofers facilitates sharing of exams, study guides, teacher ratings, etc. among the collegiate crowd – Fall Marketing Internship found on site, and this Manager of Social Media link turned up via search (but we can’t confirm it on their careers page)

Axiom Resource Management seeks dynamic, intelligent, self-starter Public Relations Analyst (scroll down) for TRICARE Management Activity Communications and Customer Service Division – a few admin-oriented positions also noted.

Opportunities with international humanitarian fundraising group Global Impact:
WeatherBugPublic Relations Manager – looking for fairly experienced candidate – for some reason this job just strikes us as potentially fun – Germantown, MD

Use advanced search and select DC location or job # to find these freshly-minted postings with Pfizer:
DigitalGlobe – self-assessed as the clear leader leader in the global commercial Earth imagery and geospatial information market:
We added a few names to our list of PR/public affairs twitter contacts, and we spent a just a few minutes hunting for leads via tweets from this group:
Save Darfur Coalition:
The New Teacher Project:
Brookings Institution:
  • Fellow – Brown Center on Education – successful candidate will hold a PhD in economics, public policy, psychology, political science, or a related discipline – apply by Aug. 31
  • Senior Fellow – Governance Studies – successful candidate will hold a Ph.D. in political science, government, public policy, or a related discipline – apply by Aug. 31
Ketchum – Fall Internship application deadline is Aug. 20

MicrosoftSenior Director, Public Policy/Advocacy – position will manage the coordination, formulation, and advocacy of federal and state public policy related to the company’s full range of issue priorities

Equal Justice Works is seeking energetic – Director of Development (pdf) with a strong fundraising track record to play a central role in the senior management team of the nation's largest organization creating opportunities and support for public interest minded students and lawyers – search managed by Transition Guides.

Scroll down (about halfway) to find these opportunities with UNC Health Care – Chapel Hill, NC:
Something called CityGrid Media promises no-coffee-fetching* for their Editorial Intern.

Dept. of Homeland SecurityNew Media Specialist – $42k-$54k – job ID: DHSHQ10-368731-PA – apply by Aug. 2

Your job-search tool of the day is the PR Coach, whose offerings include a job board and a list of PR job-search resources.

* they never explicitly promise that – instead asking if potential applicants are sick of that probably not-often-actually-occurring-these-days practice (as well as simple admin work). We like to make interns fetch coffee on their first day, and then not make that request again for the duration of their stay.

1 comment:

  1. The international company based in Philly with the CSR job is Aramark.
