Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Think Tank Jobs V

Here's our fifth compendium of Think Tank Jobs and Internships.

Please note: these larger-sized special editions usually take a couple days to put together, so chances are a couple jobs have expired/disappeared (or have been added) since we began work on this late last week. We welcome any relevant additions or intel on broken, missing or withdrawn links - post in comments field or email us.

America Speaks:
American Enterprise Institute (scroll down):
American Foreign Policy CouncilInternships – apply by July 15

Aspen Institute:
Atlantic Council of the US:
British-American Security CouncilIntern info

Brookings Institution:
Carnegie CouncilEditorial Intern for Ethics and International Affairs Journal – New York – apply by Aug. 1

Carnegie Endowment for World Peace:
Cato Institute:
Center for American Progress [note: see comments section for some important perspective on these listings]:
Center for Global DevelopmentDirector of Global Health Policy

Center for International Development
Internships – apply by July 19

Center for Law & Social Policy:
Center for Responsive Politics:
Center on Budget & Policy Priorities:
Center on International CooperationSpecial Assistant to the Director – New York

Century FoundationPublic Policy Assistant

Chicago Council on Global Affairs – Chicago, IL:
Competitive Enterprise InstituteInternships – more info here – apply by July 15

Council on Foreign Relations
Economic Opportunity InstituteInternships – Seattle, WA – apply by Aug. 15

Economic Policy Institute:
Education SectorInternships

Eisenhower InstituteInternships – apply by Aug. 1

Eurasia Foundation – Russian language skills appear highly desirable in most cases:
Federation of American ScientistsHerbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship (scroll down) – $2,200/mo stipend – apply by Oct. 15

Ford Foundation
- Program Officer, LGBT - New York - apply by Sept. 27

Foreign Policy Research InstituteIntern info – Philadelphia, PA

Foundation on Economic Trends – general Intern info and Web Intern

Freedom House:
The Fund for PeaceIntern info – apply by Aug. 1

Henry L. Stimson Center:
Heritage Foundation:
Hoover Institution - Admin Associate, Audiovisual Services - Stanford, CA

Hudson InstituteInternships

Institute for Policy Studies:
International Crisis Group:
International Food Policy Research Institute – multiple research-oriented jobs/fellowships plus Intern info

Institute for Human Studies at George Mason University:
Institute for the Study of War:
MacArthur Foundation - Chief or Staff/Director of Strategic Planning - Chicago, IL - apply by July 31

Manhattan Institute
- Development Officer - New York

Mansfield Foundation - Internships - apply by July 31

Media Research CenterIntern info (scroll down)

Middle East InstituteInternships – apply by July 15 [note: deadline pushed back to July 19, per comments section tip]

Migration Policy Institute
National Center for Public Policy ResearchInternships

National Endowment for Democracy – relevant language skills desired – all of these are DC-based:
National Institute for Public PolicyIntern info

New America Foundation:
The Nixon CenterInternships

Open Society Institute – all of the following are New York-based, except as noted:
Pacific Research InstituteVice President of Development – San Francisco, CA

Pew Charitable Trusts:
Population Reference BureauResearch Assistant, Domestic Programs

Public Forum Institute:
RAND Corporationopportunities in DC area & nationwide

Research Triangle Institute – wide variety of policy research opportunities, many appear health-related, but communications/admin slots also noted – DC, Research Triangle Park, NC and worldwide

Texas Public Policy Foundation
- Intern info - Austin, TX

Third Way:
Urban Institute:
Woodrow Wilson CenterIntern info

World Resources Institute:
Worldwatch Institute – assorted Internships


  1. just a word of caution-- all those CAP jobs are REALLY old (i check em every day and even interviewed for one of the more recent listings about 2 or 3 months ago and was told they decided on someone else. I would avoid wasting your time (not on CAP, but these jobs).

  2. The Middle East Institute has extended its fall internship deadline to July 19, 2010. Graduate, undergraduate and PhD students are encouraged to apply. Full-time and part-time internships are available in multiple departments, including research assistants.

  3. I wouldn't waste your time with CAP. They have high turn-over for a reason.
