Thursday, December 16, 2010


Where's the snow? Here's some jobs to browse while you wait for today's local light dusting.

1) Alice P. Ferguson Foundation/Trash-Free Potomac Initiative – $11/hr – Program Associate – limited term – apply by Jan 3

2-3) Americans for Financial Reform:
4-7) Americans for Prosperity Foundation – searches managed by Talent Market:
8-12) Aspen Institute:
13) Atlas Performing Arts CenterDevelopment Associate – apply by Jan. 14

14-15) Center for Law & Social Policy:
16) Corporate Executive BoardPublic Relations Account Manager/Supervisor

17) DCI GroupAccount Manager, Research

18) Democratic GainDevelopment Director

19) Edelman PRResearch Assistant for their StrategyOne affiliate

20-21) Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund:
22) Georgetown University - Admin Assistant, Turkish Studies - $35k – School of Foreign Service – other admin positions available

23-26) Heritage Foundation:
27) Hilton WorldwidePublic Relations Manager

28-32) Independent Sector:
33) Kiplingereditor, writer & economist staffers – energy, politics, personal finance and related topics

34) Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of AmericaSenior Vice President, International Affairs – search managed by Russell Reynolds Associates

35) Public CitizenNew Media Strategy & Outreach Coordinator

36) YMCACommunications Coordinator – $50k-$55k – apply by Jan. 7