Friday, January 28, 2011

Intern Special, 2011 - Part III

See also:

Intern Special, Part I Think Tanks/Public Policy Organizations and Capitol Hill/Political
Intern Special, Part II
Media and Advocacy/Association
Intern Special, Part IV Public Relations/Communications, Corporate & Miscellaneous

Humanitarian, Relief & International Development

Academy for Educational Development
Accordia Global Health Foundation
Adventist Relief & Development Agency
Africa Action
Amnesty International – DC, New York, Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco
American Jewish World Service – DC, New York & San Francisco – Feb. 25
American Red Cross
Ashoka International

Bread for the World
Bank Information Center

Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict – Mar. 25
CARE (scroll down) – DC, Atlanta & other cities
Catholic Relief Services – Baltimore, MD
Center for Global Development
Center for Development & Population Activities
CHF International
Clinton Foundation – New York, Boston & Little Rock, AR
Church World Service
Corporate Council on Africa

Doctors Without Borders – New York – Apr. 15
Disaster Accountability Project

FINCA International
Free the Slaves
Friends of the Global Fight Against AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria

Global Action for Children
Global Fund for Children – Jan. 31 & Feb. 1
GlobalGiving Foundation
Grameen Foundation – DC & Seattle, WA – scroll down

The Hunger Project – New York

International Medical Corps
International Orthodox Christian Charities – Baltimore, MD – Feb. 1
International Rights Advocates

Jubilee USA

Malaria No More
Mercy Corps – currently showing Cambridge, MA, Portland, OR & New York opportunities – but they do have a DC outpost, too

National Peace Corps Association

ONE Campaign – March 13
Opportunity International – Oak Brook, IL
Oxfam America – DC & Boston, MA

PATH – DC & Seattle, WA
PLAN USA – DC & Warwick, RI
Population Institute
Project HOPE – Millwood, Va.
Project Isuga

Refugees International
Results Educational Fund

Save Darfur Coalition (scroll down)
Save the Children – DC & Westport, CT – Apr. 30
Share Our Strength
Society for International Development
Soujourners – year-long program – Mar. 1

TransAfrica Forum

Unicef – New York
United Nations World Food Programme
USAID – Feb. 1
USAID Global Health Fellows Program – DC & Kampala, Uganda – Feb. 4
UN High Commissioner for Refugees – opportunities worldwide

Visions in Action
Vital Voices Global Partnership

WaterAid – DC & New York
Witness for Peace
Women’s Environment & Development Organization – New York – Feb. 15
World Vision – DC, Federal Way, WA & other cities


African Wildlife Foundation (scroll down)
Alliance for Community Trees (scroll down)
Amazon Conservation Association
Amazon Watch – DC & San Francisco – May 1
American Farmland Trust
American Forests
American Rivers – May 1
American Solutions – energy policy
Anacostia Watershed Society
Appalachian Voices – Boone, NC
Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment
Audubon Society

Beyond Pesticides
Blue Green Alliance

Casey Trees
Center for a New American Dream
Center for Biological Diversity – no DC-based opportunities currently shown – Tuscon, AZ, San Francisco, CA & Portland, OR
Center for Clean Air Policy (scroll down) – Feb. 11
Center for International Environmental Law
Chesapeake Bay Foundation – field-based – Feb. 11
Chesapeake Climate Action Network
Clean Water Action
Climate Institute
Climate Lab
Coalition for Smarter Growth – Mar. 15
Conservation International
Conservation Law Foundation – Boston & other New England locations
Consortium for Ocean Leadership – Apr. 15
Council on Environmental Quality – Mar. 1

Defenders of Wildlife
Ducks Unlimited

Earth Day Network
Earth Justice – DC & Oakland, CA
Environment America – DC & nationwide
Environmental Council of the States
Environmental Defense Fund – Mar. 1
Environmental & Energy Study Institute
Environmental Law Institute – Feb. 21 noted for one
Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Working Group – Mar. 31

Food & Water Watch
Friends of the Earth

Global Green USA – DC, Los Angeles & New York
Green America

Heinrich Boell Foundation – proficiency in German a plus

Izaak Walton League

League of Conservation Voters

Marine Conservation Biology Institute
Maryland League of Conservation Voters – Annapolis, MD
The Mountain Institute (scroll down) – DC & Spruce Knob, WV

National Association of Conservation Districts
– Feb. 15
National Association of State Foresters
National Council for Science & the Environment
National Fish & Wildlife Foundation
National Geographic – typing internships in homepage search box also produces numerous results
National Park Foundation
National Parks Conservation Association
National Recreation & Parks Association
National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition
National Wildlife Federation
Natural Resources Defense Council
Nature Conservancy
NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries

Ocean Conservancy (scroll down)

Pew Environment Group
Piedmont Environmental Council – Warrenton, Va. – Mar. 11
Pinchot Institute for Conservation – Mar. 5
Potomac Conservancy
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility – legal internships

Rails to Trails Conservancy
Rainforest Alliance – New York
Rare Planet
Resources for the Future

Save America’s Forests
Scenic America
Sierra Club – DC & San Francisco, CA – see also: Sierra Student Coalition
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (scroll down) – Feb. 1
Solar Energy Industries Association (scroll down)
Southern Environmental Law Center – Charlottesville, Va. & Chapel Hill, NC
Student Conservation Association

Terrapin Bright Green – New York – Mar. 16
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
Trout Unlimited
Trust for Public Land – see locations nationwide

Union of Concerned Scientists – DC, & Berkeley, CA
United Nations Environment Programme – New York & international
U.S. Green Building Council

Virginia Outdoors Foundation
Voluntary Carbon Standard Association – Feb. 22

Water Environment Federation
Wilderness Society
Wildlife Alliance
Wildlife Conservation Society – New York
Wildlife Habitat Council
World Resources Institute – DC & international
Worldwatch Institute
World Wildlife Fund

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