Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Humanitarian & Relief Jobs 6

Tuesday's Special Edition brings jobs & internships with humanitarian, relief & international development organizations.

Agency for International Development
American Jewish World Serviceprogram, grant & writer opportunities – New York

American Red Cross
multiple jobs/internships in DC area (search Va. & MD, too); more nationwide/international

American Refugee Committee
Social Media Administrator – temporary – Minneapolis, MN

Amnesty International:
Ashoka International:
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (search DC location or use req #):
Bread for the World:
CARE International:
Catholic Relief Services:
Center for Global DevelopmentCommunications Assistant

CHF International:
Church World Service:
Clinton Global InitiativeWorking Group Associate/Manager – New York

Doctors Without BordersPublications Coordinator – low-mid $50k – New York

Episcopal Relief & DevelopmentIntern, Resource Mobilization for International Programs – New York

FHI 360:
Global Fund for Children:
InterActionProgram Manager for Humanitarian Practice/Policy

International Food Policy Institute:
International Medical Corps – search headquarters jobs in US category for opportunities in DC & Santa Monica, CA

International Orthodox Christian Charities – scroll down – Baltimore. MD
International Rescue Committee:
Islamic Relief USA:
Jhpiego/Johns Hopkins UniversityCommunications Specialist – DC-based

Lutheran World Relief
– Baltimore, MD:
Malaria No More:
Medical Teams International:
Mercy Corps:
ONE Campaign:
Operation Blessing International – Virginia Beach, Va.
Oxfam USA (scroll to find):
Peace Corpslimited opportunities currently noted

National Peace Corps AssociationInternships

Population Services International:
Project Hope editorial posts in Bethesda, MD and more opportunities in Millwood, Va./worldwide

Save the Childrenmultiple opportunities – DC, Little Rock, Westport, CT

TechnserveProgram Development Associate

Unicef – New York – go to search for jobs without registeringnote: site uses European practice of abbreviating dates by day/month/year - so jobs that look out of date at first glance are actually freshly listed:
Vital Voices Global Partnership:
World Food Program:
World Vision:

1 comment:

  1. DCS Congressional - Online Communications Associate

    Founded in 2004 by Senator Ted Kennedy’s former Chief of Staff, DCS Congressional is an online communications company that works primarily with Democratic offices on the Hill, as well as campaigns and non-profits. DCS provides an innovative approach to online communication. We not only provide our clients the tools and software to create and execute robust online programs, we also help them develop a progressive online strategy that makes sense for their audience and goals.

    We are looking for a personable, progressive-minded, hard-working individual who possesses a strong communications, web design and new media background. Duties would include and are not limited to:

    • Designing Congressional websites and e-newsletter templates in Adobe Photoshop/Fireworks
    • Formatting Congressional e-newsletters in HTML;
    • Proofreading and editing copy
    • Regularly interfacing with Congressional communication and systems admin staff, both in the House and Senate
    • Managing data for clients, including list management and statistical analysis
    • Completing regular updates to client websites
    • Democratic strategy and problem solving
    • Analyze web analytics and develop and implement strategy decisions based on results
    • Advising Congressional staffs on social media trends
    • Research
    • Setup and implementation of telephone town hall software and
    reporting following each event


    • College Degree
    • Experience working with light HTML
    • Experience working with Adobe Design Suite and previous graphic design/web design work
    • Superior understanding of MS Office Suite: MS Word, Excel, Access
    • Ability to work effectively independently and in a team-oriented environment.
    • Ability to work well under pressure and to meet deadlines.
    • Strong oral and written communication skills
    • Strong technical analysis and problem solving skills
    • Interest in progressive politics

    Preferred Skills and Experience

    • HTML, proficiency in Dreamweaver or similar program
    • Experience working with Joomla!, and Google Analytics a strong plus.
    • Experience with Facebook Ads and other online marketing tools

    Please send your resume and coverletter to: resumes@dcspolitics.com. Please put “New Media and Graphic Design Manager” in the subject line. Graphic Design samples and portfolios are welcome, however not required.
