Friday, January 20, 2012

You Will Probably Not Meet Kim Cattrall

Here’s some keywords from Melwood Global’s call for a PR Account Exec: go-getter – escalating responsibilities – exceeding expectations – tight deadlines – never give up – superb writing abilities – salary in $30k range

American Heart AssociationGrassroots Advocacy Intern – duties include online/social media monitoring and outreach activities

New with the Pew Research Center since a little over a week ago:
Burness Communications seeks Digital Strategist with 4 or more years of relevant work experience, advanced understanding of the social media landscape and fluency with a variety of programming, graphics, analytics and videography applications.

Great news: the United Nations Foundation has extended application deadlines for several of the positions noted here:
National Legal Aid & Defender AssociationDirector of Communications – minimum of eight years of progressive experience in communications management and PR required – strong online communications/social media skill set also sought

We see some new opportunities with Burson-Marsteller since we last checked in:
..... and even more with B-M’s Proof Integrated Communications affiliate:
We imagine it would be fun and fulfilling to come up with lovely things to say about the good works of the Sisters of Mercy on a daily basis – here’s your chance: Media Relations & Messaging Manager – apply by Jan. 31

American University

Pew Charitable Trusts
This fine-sounding Vice President of Communications & Marketing post with the American Institute of Architects has a less-than-fresh early November vintage – but judging from this recent LinkedIn listing, they are probably still happy to get new resumes.

City of Charlottesville, Va.Program Coordinator, C’ville Area Transit Authority – experience & training in grant writing/management, procurement, recordkeeping/reporting, project management strongly preferred – $42k-$57k – apply by Feb. 3

Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation & EnforcementCongressional Affairs Specialist – $89k-$115k – job ID: OSM-2012-0043 – apply by Feb. 19

British Embassy

University of North Carolina
General Electric shows communications/PR & external relations opportunities in fab locales including New York, Beijing, Singapore, Frankfurt, Paris and more

The Chevy Chase outpost in the Brooks Brothers empire seeks Visual Coordinator to handle all the elements of visual in the store including windows, interior displays, buildups, lay-ins and graphics. You will probably not meet Kim Cattrall (or James Spader, for that matter) as part of the bargain, though – that kind of stuff only happens at Macy's.

For your Friday search resource, we bring you Insider Tips for Landing a Political Job in an Election year from our friends at the Brazen Careerist – adding to their list, we’d also suggest trying to ask for advice on social media outlets associated with parties/campaigns in your ideological wheelhouse. The Brazen Careerist crew are also promoting their How to Get a Job You Will Love online bootcamp seminar series ramping up in February.

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