Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday Couldn't Get Here Fast Enough

Edelman PR has recently launched its Data Security and Privacy Group and is looking for seasoned professionals from the level of Senior Account Exec to Vice President (sort by req # and you’ll see them listed together among the most recent listings) to join this rapidly growing team – DC, New York, Chicago, Silicon Valley & Seattle all appear to be options. Also seeking DC-based Account Exec, Digital PR.

The venerable Holton Arms School seeks a Brand Manager & Director of Strategic Communications to reposition its brand and better tell its story to current and prospective families, alumnae, and the broader community. Top candidates will be well-versed in web, social media, and video/multimedia, as well as press relations, speeches, graphic design, publications and other written messaging. A passion for women’s education and/or advocacy is a must. Can also search here if previous link proves nettlesome.

Refugees International
We see assorted job/intern opportunities, locally and nationally, with Living Social.

Unknown international nonprofitDevelopment Officer – experience socially responsible business issues and/or knowledge of the South Asian region a plus.

Did you know that the World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian agency? Surely that’s one of your talking points during your 6-to-11 month consultancy as Global Marketing Manager. Seeking candidates with 5-10 years’ relevant experience with a focus on cause-related marketing/brand awareness – apply by Feb. 19.

Primescape Solutions (click on career opportunities)
World BankOnline Communications Editor for the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor – Arabic, French and/or Spanish language skills a plus – apply by Feb. 20

… which reminds us to check in on the International Monetary Fund, where all we could unearth is are Board Operations Officers slots for bright folk with a graduate degree in economics, international finance or a related field and some work experience in economic analysis, with a good understanding of macroeconomics and international economic issues . As noted here, application deadline is Mar. 1.

Aspirants with a minimum of 4 years experience in media relations and campaign communications, preferably with public policy or nonprofit advocacy organizations, should take special notice of this Senior Communications Associate post supporting the effective & essential Children’s Dental Campaign of the Pew Charitable Trusts. Other fine & fresh opportunities in the Pew empire include:
American UniversityDevelopment Assistant – $15/hr – part-time

Fancy yourself a strong writer and editor, a stealthy researcher and a social media savant? Add an interest in beauty PR to the mix and you’re qualified to apply for this Assistant Account Exec post with AE Public Relations.

Potomac Group CommunicationsPR Coordinator – 1-3 years experience required

Newer opportunities with National Public Radio:
Various mystery employers have enlisted Onward Search to fill digital design/management & marketing slots

DeltekCopywriter – marketing focus

Center for Reproductive RightsManager of Donor Research & Trends – five or more years of experience in prospect research or related discipline required – note to current college folk: your school’s alumni/fundraising operation would be a great place to acquire these nosy skills.

Hudson Institute – Feb. 10 application deadline for the following:

Big-deal architecture collective HOK will admit you into their presumably snazzy offices as a Marketing Coordinator (search DC location).

Center for a New American SocietyDirector of External Affairs – top candidates will combine public affairs experience with background in national security, defense, military and foreign policy sphere.

Equal Justice Works
New opportunities with international development group FHI 360 shown since we last checked in:
National Retail FederationVice President, Communications & Public Affairs – the qualified candidate’s background will include 8- 10 years in communications, a minimum of five years’ experience in advocacy communications, and a well-worn DVD of Confessions of a Shopaholic.

The anti-violence advocates and misadventure-stoppers of the Safe States Alliance seek part-time Government Affairs Consultant – $35-$40/hr – apply by Feb. 6

We've noted it before, but this Public Relations/Marketing Specialist post with Arlington County deserves another mention – $56k-$103k.

We're already dreaming of happy hour, possibly here or maybe here. Best wishes for a fine weekend from your favoritepublic affairs jobs resource

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