Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Record Breaker

All time traffic record yesterday!  (2,320 visits from 1,625 unique visitors, who hung around for a higher-than-usual 3:13 average visit).  We'll be adding some more listing today in thanks for your loyal viewership.

The National Multi Housing Council, a trade association representing the interests of major apartment firms, seeks a highly-motivated Communications Intern for the summer of 2012 – $10/hr – apply by May 18.

Naval Intelligence CommandPublic Affairs Specialist – $62k-$115k – job ID: NE21035-13-6544034F307957 – apply by May 7

Fresh opportunities available with Atlantic Media:
John Adams Associates seeks Public Affairs Intern for Summer 2012 – range of duties include research, media monitoring/pitching and legislative tracking – $75/day stipend, Metro-accessible National Press Club building location.

Hoover Institution  – Media & Government Relations Intern  – Summer 2012  – communications/journalism background preferred; Hill experience a plus  – part-time & paid position. 

National Highway Traffic Safety AdministrationPublic Affairs Specialist – $62k-$81k – job ID: NHTSA.NPO-2012-0007 – apply by May 7

Capitol Hill
 The Montpelier Foundation is in the early stages of a search for a new President/CEO to help keep the lights on and lawns mowed at the former home of our 4th president – near Orange, Va. – Isaacson, Miller leads the expedition.

The University of Maryland Baltimore seeks to fill grandly-titled Vice President, Chief Communications Officer & Special Assistant to the President post.  The job will remain posted until May 25, but we’re going to suggest hewing to their May 11 resume review begins guidepost.

We seldom stray into the field of advertising, but perhaps someone out there has the story-telling, entrepreneurial, innovative spirit sought for various copywriter, art, creative, account, etc. opportunities (search DC location) at AKQA.

Wednesday's job search resource: check out opportunities available and job-search advice from search/placement firm Staffing Advisors.

late-afternoon add-ons:

Johns Hopkins MedicinePublic Affairs Web Content Specialist – Baltimore, MD

American Academy of ActuariesSenior Policy Writer/Editor

U.S. Chamber of Commerce
SodexoPublic Relations Vice President – continent-spanning food and facilities management company

American Institutes for ResearchCommunications Specialist – we see also see a web-centric Communications Specialist post available in Atlanta, GA that is currently funded through September.

MWW GroupSenior Vice President, Government & Public Affairs – experience helpful in these areas: tax, financial services, economic development, and federal contracting 

Luis Berger GroupCorporate Communications Director 

International Association of Fire ChiefsGovernment Relations Manager

PoliticoFinance Reporter and Finance Editor for Politico PRO

Mystery fast-paced consulting firmAssociate – Knowledge of the Pacific Northwest and Hill experience preferred

Unknown Centreville-based nonprofit seeks PR/Fundraising Manager – part-time, for now

1 comment:

  1. Hoover Institution - Media & Government Relations Intern

    The Washington, DC Public Affairs Office of the Hoover Institution is looking for a part-time media and government relations intern for the summer. Candidates should have superior organizational skills, the ability to take initiative and work independently, strict attention to detail, and excellent written and oral communications skills. We are looking for someone who also has a strong interest in the news, U. S. politics, and public policy. This person should have a working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and social media tools.

    Communications/journalism background preferred. Hill experience a plus. This is a paid internship. Please send cover letter and resume to Tyler Hernandez at

    Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

    -- Appropriately field media inquiries and coordinate interviews

    -- Assist in the planning of various events and meetings

    -- Help prepare and maintain a variety of written materials, media and Hill outreach lists, and spreadsheets

    -- Monitor and track media and assemble press clip reports for Hoover and its scholars

    -- Assist with some general administrative duties
