Monday, July 16, 2012


Heads up! No new post on Tuesday; see you again on Wednesday, July 18

Using the assumption that calendar Summer lasts from the Friday before Memorial Day though Labor Day (101 days, by our count) , we're sorry to report that your summer is 51.48% over as of today.  Get out and have some fun, OK?

And also, you can scroll back or go here for a particularly large run of previously-noted opportunities closing this week.

Democrat-oriented public opinion & strategy firm Lake Research Partners seeks Interns for the remainder of the Summer and the Fall in their DC and Berkley, CA offices – apply by July 25

On the other side of the partisan divide, GOP-focused interactive agency Engage seeks Fall semester Interns in client strategy, digital media/graphic design, & web development – apply by Aug. 15

Edelman PR seeks Sr. Account Executive with at least one year of relevant experience in online or traditional grassroots/advocacy campaigns and/or related experience in: public relations, political campaigns, Hill or state legislative office, or earned media/journalism.

Communications and issues advocacy firm GMMB seeks mid-level (as in 4-7 years relevant experience) Communications Professional to work on an education and awareness campaign in the healthcare field.  We’re told this is a full-benefit temporary post through the end of 2012, with possible permanent status if you’re a pretty terrific hire.

The University of Texas System seeks DC-based Coordinator of Federal Relations for variety of admin/support and research duties – $50k – two years relevant experience required – best of all they don’t need you at your desk until after Labor Day!

The Truman National Security Project begins accepting Fall 2102 Intern applications today.

Ketchum has also just posted a call for Intern help for the Fall.

Center for Science in the Public Interest
We’re fans of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, but we can’t figure out why they would impose such a short application window (posted July 12, apply by July 17) for a high-impact/high-experience post like Chesapeake Blueprint Campaign Director – seeking candidates with minimum ten years experience in developing and implementing regional and national environmental issue campaigns, including specific experience in strategic communications and political advocacy.

On the other side of the coin, you’ve got plenty of time – until Sept. 10, to be exact – to get your application in for this Boston-located Communications Director post with SEIU.  We suggest getting to it sooner than that, though.

Association management firm Smith Bucklin seeks Government Relations Coordinator with 1-2 years experience on Capitol Hill, or with agency/association government relations work.

The Millennium Project is an independent non-profit global participatory futures research think tank of futurists, scholars, business planners, and policy makers – and Interns like you – who work for international organizations, governments, corporations, NGOs, and universities.

ACLU – Fall 2012 Legal Internships – for second/third year law students

British EmbassyInfluence & Communications Officer, Defence Staff – $44k – apply by July 31 – and whatever else you do, don’t spell it “defense”.

Handicap International – see main career page here for more info
George Washington University
Consumer Financial Protection BureauLegislative Assistant – $42k-$102k –  job ID: 12-CFPB-564P – apply today, June 16

Montgomery County GovernmentSenior Legislative Aide (go to search jobs, then use keywords irc9047 or irc9048 for what may be the same position at varying experience levels)  – admin, constituent service, media relations & other communications-related duties noted – apply by July 24

The Virginia Catholic Conference seeks two Associate Director (pdf) hires for public policy related duties, including voter education and grassroots outreach – Richmond, Va. – apply by Aug. 3

Multiple opportunities with the Open Society Institute – New York, except as noted:
Greater Madison Convention & Visitors BureauDirector of Marketing – Madison, WI – more info here – apply by July 30

Your search resource of the day: HealthCare Source job board – largely populated with clinical jobs, but we’ve occasionally been able to use the keywords feature to tease out a few communications & fundraising-related posts.

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