Wednesday, September 12, 2012

More to Come

No grand excuse for today's light haul; just been really busy.  We'll add some more later.

Association Management Services seeks Director of Government Affairs to support their National Association of State Chief Information Officers client – apply by Sept. 21

Shire’s regenerative medicine business is conducted in a highly regulated environment which requires close management of government relationships and the hiring of regionally-based Associate Director, State Government Relations, Eastern Region (search job ID 4837BR) and Associate Director, State Government Relations, Western Region (4836BR).

U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Friends of the Global Fight Against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria seeks Director of Communications to help build the organization’s brand and manage media relations

Capitol Hill
The American Council of Life Insurers seeks Legislative Analyst for range of research and legislative support duties.

Our friends at the British Embassy seek a Community Liaison Officer to advocate for and provide support to UK based staff and families on community issues.  This position will focus primarily in the areas of information gathering, welfare, and communication, with an emphasis on providing support and information to newcomers before and after arrival at post – $38k – apply by Sept. 26 – Also available: Spring 2013 Crisis Management Intern and Scottish Affairs Intern – Oct. 14 application deadline for both

Phase One Consulting Group suggests you can build your career on a win-win proposition there; sounds fine to us – Communications Specialist (search check our job listings, scroll to find).

as promised, more late-in-the-day postings:

AARP (scroll to find or use job #)
American Councils for International EducationCommunications Officer, Critical Language Scholarship Program

American Institute of Architects
B’nai B’rith Youth Organization
CBS RadioWeb Content Specialist (search req ID (12692BR)

Census BureauPublic Affairs Specialist – $85k-$115k – job ID: PIO-2012-0012 – apply by Sept. 24

FaceTime Strategy
Goodwill of Greater WashingtonMarketing & Communications Associate

Natural Resources Defense Council
Smith Bucklin (association management firm) – Communications Associate – supporting the Business Higher Education Forum


  1. Policy Fellowships with the Society for Research in Child Development

    SRCD is seeking applications for upcoming Policy Fellowships for 2013-2014. There are two types of Fellowships: Congressional andExecutive Branch. Both provide Fellows with exciting opportunities to come to Washington, DC and use their research skills in child development outside of the academic setting to inform public policy. Fellows work as resident scholars within their federal agency or Congressional office placements.

    Fellowships are full-time immersion experiences and run from September 1st through August 31st. Following a two-week science policy orientation program sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Fellows receive an SRCD orientation to child development and public policy. The SRCD Office for Policy and Communications in Washington facilitates the Fellows’ experience and is available as a resource throughout the year.

    Application Requirements: Applicants must have a doctoral-level degree in any relevant discipline (e.g., Ph.D., M.D.), must demonstrate exceptional competence in an area of child development research, and must be a member of SRCD. Both early-career and advanced professionals are encouraged to apply.

    Deadline to apply: December 15, 2012

    More information about the Fellowships is available online at under the Policy and Communications tab, or

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