Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Think Tank Jobs XI

We return to Tuesday specialty programming with our eleventh survey of jobs & internships at think tanks and other public policy research/advocacy groups.  Note: in cases where there are 5 or 6 opportunities shown for a given organization, there are likely more opportunities available (we just decided to list the 5-6 most relevant/recent opportunities we could identify per employer).

America SpeaksCitizen Engagement Program Intern

American Enterprise Institute
American Foreign Policy CouncilInternships, Fall 2013 – research & program support – apply by July 1

Asia Foundation
Aspen Institute
Atlantic Council of the U.S. (scroll to find)
Bill of Rights InstitutePresident – search managed by Talent Market

Brookings Institution
British-American Security Information Council
Carnegie Council for Ethics in International AffairsEditorial Intern for Ethics in International Affairs – Fall 2013 – New York

Cato Institute
Center for American Progress
Center for Global Development
Center for International Policy
Center for Public Integrity
Center for Responsive PoliticsInterns, Fall 2013 – apply by Aug. 5

Center for Strategic & International Studies

Center for the National Interest
Center for Technology & National Security PolicyInternships, Fall 2013 – apply by Aug. 10 

Center on Budget & Policy Priorities
Charles Koch Institute
Chicago Council on Global Affairs – Chicago, IL
Competitive Enterprise InstituteInternships, Fall 2013 – apply by July 1 

Council on Foreign Relations
e21Economist/Economic Writer

East-West Institute
Economic Policy InstituteEconomist – PhD required

Education SectorInternships, Fall 2013

Eisenhower InstituteInternships

Eurasia FoundationGraphic/Web Designer – apply by June 30 

Ethics & Public Policy Center
Federation of American ScientistsInternships

Ford FoundationDepartment Coordinator, Legal Services – New York

Foreign Policy Research InstituteInternships – Philadelphia, PA

Foundation on Economic Trends/Office of Jeremy Rifkin
Freedom Forum
Freedom House

The Fund for PeaceInternships

German Marshall Fund of the U.S.Intern, Asia Program

Goldwater Institute – Phoenix, AZ
Heritage Institute
Hudson Institute
Independent InstituteInternships – Oakland, CA

InterActionNutrition Policy Analyst

International Center for Research on WomenEconomist & Evaluation Specialist

International Food Policy Research Institute
Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University
Institute for Policy StudiesInternships (scroll down) 

Institute for the Study of WarInternships, Fall 2013 – research, fundraising & communications/digital arts – apply by Aug. 29 

Inter-American Dialogue
Joint Center for Political & Economic StudiesInternships, Fall 2013 (scroll down) – apply by July 1

MacArthur Foundation – Chicago, IL
Manhattan Institute
Mansfield Foundation – Fall 2013 Program Assistant Intern (apply by July 5) and Social Media Intern (apply by July 31)

MassInc – Boston, MA
Media Research CenterCampaign Bias Monitor

Middle East Institute
Migration Policy Institute
National Center for Policy AnalysisInternships – Dallas, TX

National Center for Public Policy ResearchInternships

National Democratic Institute – scroll down for assorted program, admin & Intern posts

National Endowment for Democracy
National Institute for Public PolicyInternships

New America Foundation
Open Society Foundations
Pew Charitable Trusts
Pew Research Center
Population Reference BureauMultimedia Editor

Progressive Policy Institute
Public Policy Institute of California – San Francisco, CA
Roosevelt Institute – New York
Stimson CenterDevelopment Associate – apply by June 24 

Sutherland InstituteDirector of Development – Salt Lake City, UT – search managed by Talent Market 

Texas Public Policy Foundation (scroll down) – Austin, TX
Third Way
Truman National Security ProgramInternships – not yet accepting applications for Fall
Urban Institute
U.S. Institute for Peace
Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Woodrow Wilson International Center for ScholarsInternships and Fellowships

Worldwatch InstituteInternships

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