Friday, May 9, 2014


Back to normal-ish operations for us for a while (we hope).  Large proportion of direct-to-us submissions here; send yours along; links are preferable.  We may add a few more to this set later on.

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association seeks Manager, Issues Analytics & Content to monitor and help maintain the beef industry’s reputation in the digital/social space; previous experience using web & social media platforms for issues response is essential.

Our friends at the Wilderness Society seek a Digital Content Producer with at least 3-5 years of experience working in web editorial management and content strategy, as well as fluency in outreach techniques to grow social media clout – DC or Denver, CO – see also main career page

The International Food Policy Research Institute is actively seeking candidates for these two communication-related posts:
Dept. of EnergyCommunications Specialist with the DOE Office of Science – $52k-$82k – job ID: 14-DE-SC-HQ-010 – apply by May 21

Feeding America seeks a Director of Nutrition Assistance and Budget Policy with 10+ years’ experience in advocacy, public policy or policy analysis with a strong focus on budget, nutrition assistance and child hunger programs; significant Capitol Hill, political campaign, federal and state government and/or issue advocacy experience also required.

American Composites Manufacturers Association
Communications Coordinator – strong writing skills (including facility in AP style)required to handle considerable content development responsibilities; experience w/ publication production processes a plus

University of Maryland

Stand for Children works to ensure that all children, regardless of their background, graduate from high school prepared for, and with access to, a college education – your place in this undertaking could be as Regional Digital Strategist, based in the New Orleans, LA or Nashville, TN – strong understanding of email action campaigns and writing for emails among the requirements

American University
British Embassy
Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board Public Affairs/Legislative Affairs Officer – $106k-$138k – job ID: 1109854- 14-PCLOB – apply by June 6

Jewish Social Service AgencyDevelopment Assistant – ideal candidate will have a background in foundation and major donor fundraising, organizational development and network building.

Pew Charitable Trusts
National Housing ConferencePolicy Associate

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

State Dept.Public Affairs Specialist – $89k-$116k – job ID: HRSC-J/TIP- 2014-0003 – apply by May 22

– more to come (probably) –


  1. Organic Trade Association - Government Affairs/Policy Intern

    The Organic Trade Association (OTA) is looking for a Government Affairs/Policy Intern who is interested in working with a team that is passionate about organic food and farming! OTA is the membership-based business association for the organic industry in North America. Our mission is to promote and protect organic trade to benefit the environment, farmers, the public and the economy. We envision organic products becoming a significant part of everyday life, enhancing people's lives and the environment. We represent over 6500 businesses across the organic supply chain and address all things organic, including food, fiber/textiles, personal care products and new sectors as they develop.

    We’re looking for someone to help us with our government affairs and policy work in Washington, DC. The internship will pay $12 per hour.

    Duties include:

    -- Monitoring the internet to identify relevant hearings in Congress and meetings at the agencies regarding policy issues important to the organic sector

    -- Monitoring the internet the identify relevant Federal Register notices of rulemaking proceedings that are important to the organic sector

    -- Researching and writing white papers on issues of importance to the organic sector

    -- Researching organic representation on government boards

    -- Light administrative tasks

    Recommended Experience/Skills:

    -- Proficient with Microsoft Word and Excel

    -- Strong oral and written communication skills

    -- Attention to detail

    -- Ability to think outside of the box and identify innovative solutions to problems

    -- Excellent organization skills

    -- Must show initiative, creativity, and ability to work independently

    -- Must be self-motivated and have an energetic personality

    If you meet the qualifications listed above and are interested in working for an organization focused on organic agriculture please send your resume and a cover letter detailing your experience, availability, and number of hours per week you would like to work to Marni Karlin (

  2. Hi! How would one send you jobs to post?

  3. You can find my email here - prefer links to where jobs are posted eslewhere, but will also take text, up to 4,000 characters (as in 4K total letters & spaces, not 4K total words), pasted in the body of your email; don't send attachments/pdfs.
