Monday, September 8, 2014


Rust Cohle's pronouncement that time is a flat circle; everything we've ever done or will do, we're gonna do over and over and over again rings true* for yet another Redskins opener.  [insert sad trombone or descending slide whistle sound effect here, as you see fit]

On a possibly cheerier, or at least more useful this again? note, please don't forget yesterday's run of previously-referenced opportunities closing this week. 

maslansky + partners seeks Communications Strategist for various taskings in corporate reputation and branding; public affairs and issue advocacy; new product launches and repositioning – DC or New York – substantive & compensated Intern (scroll down) opportunities also noted

Deeper Green is at work trying to change the way climate change solutions are marketed to the public, so that more people will support those efforts; you may have a place in this undertaking as Field Director or as Field Representative (scroll down), the latter of which is described as an entry-level opportunity.

The American Association for Justice (formerly the Association of Trial Lawyers of America) has yet-unfilled Political Outreach Intern and Communications Intern (scroll to find) opportunities available for the Fall season.

Mercury Public Affairs seeks highly-organized, broadly-skilled candidate for Associate, International Practice (scroll to find); academic or work experience related to international relations particularly helpful

The Senior Executives Association, advocate for career Federal executives, has Intern (scroll to find) posts available in communications & social media as well as membership & outreach – full or part-time possible

New since our mid-August look-in with Conservation International:
National Labor Relations BoardPublic Affairs Specialist – $106k-$157k – job ID: NL14DE1207267SA – apply by Sept. 19

The Feminist Majority Foundation, publisher of Ms. magazine and sister organization to The Feminist Majority, has National Campus Organizer and Intern (scroll to find) posts available locally & in Beverly Hills, CA

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
USAID’s Office of Science and Technology is seeking a Communications Analyst to design and implement a range of communications strategies intended to promote OST’s programs and activities to a variety of audiences – opportunity via CAMRIS International/IAP World Services Inc.

Foundation for the National ArchivesDirector of Marketing & Communications – apply by Sept. 30 

Gannett/USA Today
Bethesda-located commercial real estate firm seeks a Marketing & Admin Coordinator – ideal candidate will have at least three years of professional experience & stellar Adobe Creative Suite skills,  InDesign particularly – $15-$18/hr on temp basis; $48k-$55k possible if hired full time – search managed by Beacon Hill Staffing

Dept. of EnergyPublic Affairs Specialist supporting the Advanced Research Projects Agency – $63k-$82k – job ID: DOE-HQ-AA-14-00029-TERM apply by Sept. 19

New finds at Edelman PR since mid-August:
Development Associate appears the latest opportunity to join the dedicated catovocates at Alley Cat Allies

The Justice Research and Statistics Association is a national nonprofit representing state Statistical Analysis Center directors, as well as researchers and practitioners throughout government, academia, and criminal justice organizations – and why not you running that show as Executive Director?  Advanced degree preferred – search managed by JDG Search.

Capitol OneSenior Communications Manager (you may have to scroll down) – at least 6 years of media relations/external communications experience is required

Fresh opportunities aplenty with the Environmental Defense Fund:
New since our late-August check-in with Burson Marsteller is this New York-based Client Staff Assistant, Public Affairs & Crisis post – please have at least one year of previous PR-related experience under your belt, or wherever you store it.

Support Goodweave in their ambitions to end the use of child labor in carpet weaving communities worldwide as Director of Development, and scroll down for Intern opportunities

American Bar AssociationProgram Associate, International Programs – $41k-$45k

… and, finally: tomorrow, we’ll get back on track, and back to school, with a Tuesday focused set on opportunities at colleges & universities in DC, Maryland & Virginia – but we figured you would want at head start on this Stable Manager gig at Goucher College in Baltimore, MD.  Our first instinct here was to throw a few japes at the questionable educational utility & probable cost-escalating effects of college equestrian programs, but frankly, taking care of horses sounds like a pleasant & worthwhile alternative to the interminable meetings, the never-ending river of emails, and general desk-boundedness of office life.  Great pep talk, huh?  You're welcome!

* also acceptable for yesterday's misfire in Houston: So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.  It's going to be a frustrating Fall for those of us w/ affection for the local squad.

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