Monday, March 9, 2015

Forward Thinking

Hello suddenly-pleasant Monday.  Look out for potholes around town (or head here if you're not alert enough to avoid them).  And. of course, don't forget previously noted opportunities closing this week.

 Before we get into the jobs, we’d like to let public policy analysts who are under 30 years old know about the Janice Nittoli “Forward Thinking Award” (pdf), for innovative strategy ideas to alleviate economic inequality.  $7,500 award will go to supporting research & production of 7,500-10,000 word paper based on winning entry; proposals are due Apr. 20 – sponsored by The Century Foundation.

The last shall be first today, at least alphabetically speaking: zcommAccount Exec – Qualified candidates will have at least 2 years' experience in an agency setting researching and pitching media for varied accounts.

New since just last Thursday: Third WayDigital Media Advisor – background developing  digital strategies for a non-profit to engage with DC policymakers and influencers would be ideal for this role.

IEEE (aka the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) seeks Legislative Representative with at least four years of relevant government relations experience; knowledge of technology fields such as engineering or computer science preferred.

National Association of Criminal Defense LawyersNational Affairs Assistant – duties include maintaining & updating web pages, conducting research on legal and legislative issues, drafting and editing documents, and responding to requests for information and assistance from the public and NACDL members – apply by Mar. 20

Here’s a very fresh Senior Campaign Communications Specialist post w/ SEIU – 4 years of work experience in media relations, public affairs, or campaign communication desired.

Hill & Knowlton
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentMedia Officer (scroll to find) – seeking  candidates with several years' relevant professional experience in an international media organization or PR/public affairs environment, or in a multilateral or national government communications position, preferably with exposure to economic or business issues – your $56k annual compensation level is described as “exempt of income tax” – apply by Mar. 22

Jubilee Housing, provider of affordable housing and supportive services to economically disadvantaged residents of the Adams Morgan, seeks Communications Associate – apply by Mar. 13

This New Haven, CT-based Digital Communications Associate post with Innovations for Poverty Action would have made for an excellent addition to last week’s super-sized Humanitarian & International Development Jobs special edition

Elizabeth Glazer Pediatric AIDS FoundationManager, Digital & Interactive Marketing – your 8+ years relevant experience should include work w/ FinalCut Pro

Rare Conservation (scroll to find)
Whitney, Bradley and BrownStrategic Communications Manager supporting the Navy Bureau of Medicine – minimum of 10 years of experience providing strategic communication support to a DoD entity sought

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid ServicesPublic Affairs Specialist – $63k-$99k – job ID: CMS-OC-DE-15-1329005 – apply by Mar. 18

Urban Institute – multiple research, project & admin posts available

PLO Delegation to the USInterns – media affairs, community relations/outreach, and congressional affairs specialties noted

XO Communications
SRA International Communications Manager – 10+ years experience sought; top secret communications clearance required – cal also search here, under communications & public affairs category

Downtown Columbus, OH could be your workday home as an Education Policy/Government Affairs Professional with the Thomas B. Fordham Institute – full- and part-time candidates considered – focus on K-12 education policy developments in Ohio, especially in the charter school arena.


  1. The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation has job and internship opportunities. How do we get them posted on your blog?

  2. Center for Food Safety is currently seeking a Social Media Manager in DC.

    We're a national environmental and public interest non-profit.

  3. Hi NMSF - I assume you're referring to the the opportunities noted here, right? Will give these more visibility in Wednesday's set. Going forward, just pass along any new links/opportunities at our email here.

    Hey CSFI - we'll also note your Social Media Manager job in Wednesday's edition. Thanks!

  4. Your email doesn't show up for me, but NMSF is hiring a Communications Intern and a Social Media Coordinator/Editor-Writer. Both are located in Silver Spring, MD. Comms Intern is for NMSF and Social Media Coordinator will be working at the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries.
