Friday, April 10, 2015

Just a Few, and a Request for a Little Help

It's been a tough couple days for us, but we wanted to pass along a couple direct-to-us submissions and note opportunities at some employers we regularly feature on Thursday's & Fridays. 

Our friends at the U.S Travel Association tell us they are still actively seeking just the right Director, Government Relations candidate – so now we’re telling you.  Considerable travel required for the position, it appears.

Here’s a very fresh Associate opportunity at CLS Strategies requiring excellent writing, research & media pitching skills. 

American University
British Embassy
Brookings InstitutionCoordinator supporting the Center for Technology Innovation

Georgetown University
Nature Conservancy (scroll to find, or use advanced search by DC metro area or other location as noted)
Pew Charitable Trusts
We close with a request that anyone so inclined will offer up a prayer for the recovery of someone very close to us – Hanna – who is facing some tall odds to get well.  Thanks very much for any support you can pass along, and best wishes for a safe, secure & lovely weekend to you all.


  1. Prayers sent.

  2. Thinking of you and people close to you. So appreciate this blog you post so regularly.

  3. Keeping Hanna in my prayers!

  4. Thanks all for the prayers and kind words! God bless you all.

  5. Sending light your way!

  6. keeping Hanna, you, and all of those who care for and about her in my prayers.

  7. Wishing you all the best - you have always been so generous to this community and we're thinking of you!
