Monday, April 13, 2015

Sporadic Going Forward

Friday update: we'll have previously-noted jobs Saturday, and be back w/ fresh jobs on Monday.  You have my sincere thanks for all the prayers & support these last few days.  It breaks my heart to report that things did not get better for Hanna.  I'll write a little more about her one of these days, soon.  Best wishes for a safe & lovely weekend to you all.

Reminder:  Entries are due Monday, Apr. 20 for the Janice Nittoli “Forward Thinking Award” (pdf), for innovative strategy ideas to alleviate economic inequality from public policy analysts who are under 30 years old.  $7,500 award will go to supporting research & production of 7,500-10,000 word paper based on winning entry – sponsored by The Century Foundation.

We'll probably be posting less frequently going forward for a while, and mainly in just-the jobs form, most likely.  Also, don't forget yesterday's previously noted opportunities closing this week.

1-3) We have it on good authority that the American Council of Trustees & Alumni are actively recruiting for all of these posts, which are open to entry-level & low-experience candidates:
4) The Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association seeks Director of Communications to take charge of  a broad range of publications & communications channels – Richmond, Va.

5) Land Use Experts is seeking a Campaign Manager to run grassroots campaigns designed to block approval of real estate development projects by influencing the land use approval process – 3-5 years of political experience as a field operative or campaign manager required, as well as ability to travel extensively – $84k – Dallas/Ft. Worth, Austin, or San Antonio, TX

6) The Ad CouncilAssistant Campaign Manager/Account Exec – DC or New York

7-11) American Diabetes Association
12) American Nurses AssociationPAC Administrator

13-14) Association of American Law Schools
15-19) Center for Civilians in Conflict
20-21) Center for Strategic & International Studies
22) Congressional Management FoundationResearch Assistant/Intern

23) Equal Justice WorksSenior Director of Institutional Advancement (pdf) – search managed by Sandler Search

24-26) Fannie Mae (search communications/public affairs job function or by job #)
27) Griffin & Co. Media Relations Specialist

28) Hogan LovellsSenior Public Relations Coordinator (pdf) – can also find here by scrolling to bottom

29) Institute of Education SciencesPublic Affairs Specialist – $120k-$165k – job ID: IES-2015-0044 – apply by June 12

30) National Association of Criminal Defense LawyersPublic Affairs & Communications Assistant – apply by Apr. 24

31-33) National Constitution Center – Philadelphia, PA
34) Office of the U.S. Trade Representative Interns – apply by Apr. 15

35-37) Operation Blessing International – Virginia Beach, Va. (scroll to find)
38) Patient-Centered Outcomes Research InstituteSenior Media Relations Specialist

39) PBSSenior Director, Community Engagement

40) University of Maryland Medical CenterVice President, Media Relations & Corporate Communications – Baltimore, MD

41) Washington Institute for Near East PolicyMedia Relations Associate – search managed by the HR Team

42) Washington National CathedralMajor Gift Officer

43) zcommBroadcast/Online Pitcher – freelancer to full-time, preferably whip-smart

44) ... and, finally: help your feline friends and start your career in catvocacy as Outreach & National Cat Help Desk Specialist with the Alley Cat Allies


  1. Gordon, you really provide a beneficial service here. I hope that things smooth out for you and you are able to keep up regular postings again soon.
    Best wishes.

  2. Gordon,

    Thank you for all you do with this blog. I hope you are surrounded by love and support during this challenging time. You, Hanna and all your loved ones remain in my prayers.

  3. Sending you and Hanna love and light.

  4. Prayers for you and Hanna.

    The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
    - John 1:5
