Friday, October 30, 2015

Popular Public Affairs Job Blog Returns After Brief Hiatus; Anxious Job Seekers along with Fans of Mild Diversions & Self-absorbed Chatter Enthusiasts Nationwide Rejoice!

OK – so we're back after a super-busy (sorry we skipped Wednesday!) trip to Atlanta, a town we find generally fun, albeit mystifyingly laid out.  Thanks to our always-preferred hotel choice in the ATL, the Marriott Marquis,  and to dependable & low-stress Southwest Airlines, for their important roles in our trip – and a shout-out to the weirdly-named but really fun restaurant Two Urban Licks, which we never skip on our occasional trips there.

1-2) Fresh opportunities with the Data Quality Campaign, a group working to increase public understanding and usage of education data:
3) We have it on good authority that the American Association of University Professors is still in search mode for a Media & Communications Strategist with demonstrated media relations & social media strategy skill sets – $52k

4) Stand for Children, a group working to ensure that all children graduate from high school prepared for, and with access to, a college education, seeks Chicago-based Policy Manager with strong writing and analytical skills, as well as a demonstrated understanding of education policy and Illinois state politics

5) The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation, a nonpartisan think tank focusing on the intersection of technological innovation and public policy, is seeking a Communications & Admin Intern for the upcoming spring semester, starting in Jan. 2016.

6-7) NAFSA: Association of International Educators
8) Streetwise Media has passed along this Editorial Intern opportunity of the unpaid variety supporting their DC Inno property covering the local tech & innovation scene – note: it appears you must create an account to see the opportunity – edit: this link is now fully accessible/viewable without registering.

9) Advancement ProjectCommunications Associate

10) American Psychological AssociationExecutive Director of Communications – search managed by Tuft & Associates

11-12) Brookings Institution
13-24) Capitol Hill
  • Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-IL) – Press Assistant/Speechwriter
  • Unspecified House Committee, Democratic Staff Clerk/Administrator
  • Office of the CAOAdmin Specialist – $40k-$50k – apply today, Oct. 30
  • Rep. Reid Ribble (R-WI) – Intern
  • Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) – Intern – apply by Nov. 23
  • Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) – Intern
  • Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-CA) – Intern – apply by Nov. 9
  • Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) – Intern
  • Rep. David Scott (D-GA) – Intern
  • Committee on Education & the Workforce, Democratic StaffIntern – starting ASAP and Jan. 2016 opportunities available
  • Senior North Carolina RepublicanIntern
  • Western RepublicanIntern and Communications Intern
25) Financial Industry Regulatory AuthorityDirector, Media Relations

26-30) FP1 Strategies
31) Friedman Foundation for Educational ChoiceDirector of Development – Indianapolis, IN – search managed by Talent Market

32-36) Georgetown University
37) Heritage FoundationGraphic Designer

38-40) Kaiser Health News/California Healthline
41) MitreContent Specialist

42) National AquariumDirector of Major Gifts – Baltimore, MD

43-46) Nature Conservancy (scroll to find, or use advanced search by DC metro area or state location as noted)
47) Ogilvy PRAccount Director, Social Change

48-50) Pew Charitable Trusts
51) Pew Research CenterResearch Analyst/Associate, President’s Office

52-53) Salem Media Group
54) SoujournersPress Coordinator

55) Trust for The National MallInterns (scroll to find) – various disciplines noted

56-57) … and finally: The Alaska SeaLife Center is the only permanent stranding facility for marine mammals in our 49th state – here’s your chance to join the crew in Seward, AK
Best wishes for a lovely Fall weekend from your favoritepublic affairs jobs resource. 
more to come OK, we're done –

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