Friday, October 2, 2015


Hello Friday!  We hope it's a nice one for you.

We won’t make you wait until next Thursday for this freshly-posted Assistant Director of Communications supporting the Economic Studies program at the Brookings Institution – 5+ years of experience in strategic communications & knowledge of economics & health policy issues required; Hill background a plus.

Bridges is a program that recruits motivated third grade students from Baltimore City Public Schools and provides a nine-year long program that helps participants find success in school and prepare for college and career opportunities; your place in this terrific undertaking would be as Communications Specialist, working out of Baltimore’s St. Paul’s School.

Speaking of Charm City, Maryland Institute College of Art has an opportunity at their central Baltimore campus for a Director of Communications with 5 - 7 years of experience at implementing complex media plans in a corporate, institutional or agency environment.

Hillary for America is putting out the call for Deputy Field Organizers to handle voter outreach & volunteer management duties nationwide.  We’re veterans of campaign work, ourselves, and we recommend it highly if you’re well-organized, like to hustle & work hard, have a thick skin, and can live out of a suitcase.

Sunshine Sachs seeks ready-to-over-deliver Account Manager with 5+ years’ experience working in PR and strong core communication skills including media relations, writing, editing & persistence

Hillel International seeks Marketing Manager to conceive and execute e-mail communications highlighting Hillel’s work to stakeholders, including students, parents, alumni, donors and the broader Jewish community – strong writing & editing skills a must.

This is a bit outside our usual wheelhouse, but we’ll see what we can do to help Sentrien Systems, Inc. identify a NetSuite ERP Implementation Consultant, so if you are proficient with NetSuite business management software, or know someone who is, please take a look.

American University
Anne Lewis Strategies
British Embassy
Pew Charitable Trusts
… and finally: on a dreary DC commuting day like this one, one can but dream of a job that will occasionally take you out to this remote speck in the Pacific on a regular basis – in this case the Honolulu-based Program Director or Operations Manager, Palmyra Program (scroll to find or search under HI) posts with the Nature Conservancy.

We hope this weekend's Oktoberfests & the like have decent or indoor back-up plans for you; you can look ahead here for future events here.
Best wishes for a safe and somehow-pleasant-despite-the-weather weekend from your favoritepublic affairs jobs resource. 

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