Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Catholic, Medical, Sustainable & Public

We’ll start your Wednesday with this very fresh Digital Communications & Marketing Coordinator post with Catholic Charities – 3 years of experience in digital and traditional marketing & communications required

The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools is actively recruiting for a Manager, Digital Media with 3-5 years of communications or graphic design/ website experience & strong skills using Adobe Creative Suite.

Our friends at the U.S. Travel Association have shared a new Coordinator, Industry Communications opportunity with us – 2 years’ experience using membership databases (ideally Salesforce) preferred.  They are also still accepting applications for these:
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute has passed along this Science Writer post suited to candidates with a graduate degree in biology or other related scientific discipline and excellent science writing & editing skills that reflect ability to clarify & simplify complicated issues & technical subject matter.

The National Association of Manufacturers has let us know they are still looking to fill this Author/Editor, New Media post – 3-7 years work experience in journalism, speech-writing or related communications field required; background writing about business & manufacturing is preferred, as well as facility with digital publishing & WordPress.

The Brookings Institution has recently posted Intern opportunities for the Summer 2018 term; would like to highlight this Events & Communications Intern post supporting the Hamilton Project in particular, which has a $13/hr pay grade attached – we'd also suggest not waiting around until the Mar. 9 application deadline.

The American Sustainable Business Council is looking to fill a Communications & Marketing Intern (scroll to find) post for the current semester, starting as soon as possible – focus on digital marketing for this unpaid position

ICF International
We won’t make you wait until our usual Friday check-in with American University to see this Public Relations Coordinator opportunity support the AU Law School – $44k-$48k

National Public Radio
JPA Health Communications
ASPCA – New York
Mystery Falls Church-based telecom company Social Media Coordinator – exceptional writing ability & hands-on social media experience desired – search managed by Profiles

U.S. Marine Corps – Quantico, Va.
University of Virginia – Charlottesville, Va.

1 comment:

  1. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs is offering a Washington, DC based government relations internship. The internDC, will work with a small office under direct supervision from the Government Relations Officer on the Global Food and Agriculture program. The Intern performs a variety of tasks supporting the Government Relations team including outreach to Congressional offices and Administration, dissemination of policy reports, and communications.

    Those with a background in agriculture, development, and international relations are encouraged to apply. Deadline for applications is Feb. 15th.
