Thursday, June 7, 2018

50 on a Thursday

1) The Society for Science & the Public is actively seeking a problem-solver & self-starter with 1-3 years of experience for a Communications Associate post –  duties include developing online/social content as well as media pitching & research.

2-4) AFL-CIO
5) Arabia Foundation Director of Communications – proficiency in Arabic preferred – apply by June 30

6) Bipartisan Policy CenterDirector of Digital Media

7-9) Burson-Marsteller
10-13) CHIEF
14) Climate Nexus Senior Communications Associate

15) Congressional Research ServiceLegislative Analyst – $81k-$106k – apply by July 2

16-17) Council on Foreign Relations
18) Council on FoundationsCommunications Associate

19) DyneticsSenior Legislative Analyst – apply by June 25

20) Food & Drug Administration Public Affairs Specialist – $81k-$126k – apply by June 18

21-23) Friends Committee on National Legislation – Quaker public interest lobby
24-25) Georgetown University
26) Giant Food External Communication & Community Relations Coordinator – apply by June 16

27) Issue One Development Associate – $42k-$50k

28) Johns Hopkins UniversityCommunications & Admin Intern, SAIS – $13/hr – DC-based

29) Mystery employerSocial Media Specialist – search managed by the BOSS Group

30) Mystery Reston-based association in the insurance arenaPolitical Affairs Manager – $70k-$80k – search managed by Beacon Hill Staffing

31) National Association of Workforce BoardsAssociate, Communications & Membership

32) National Community Reinvestment CoalitionMedia Manager – apply by June 22

33-34) National Public Radio
35-39) Nature Conservancy
40) Overseas Private Investment Corp.Intern, External/Public Affairs – student/non-paid post – apply by July 13

41) Philanthropic Initiative for Racial EquityCommunications & Program Manager – $60k-$80k

42-43) University of Maryland
44-47) Washington National Cathedral
48-50) World Resources Institute

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