Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Wanted: You (for these terrific, interesting jobs)

Some really terrific direct-to-us opportunities noted in today's set.

Radio giant iHeartMedia has shared this interesting Vice President, Political & Advocacy post focused on with working with their existing sales infrastructure to map & generate advertising revenue opportunities from Democratic campaigns, organizations & left-leaning advocacy groups.

The National Press Foundation is in search more for a new President & Chief Operating Officer with 10+ years of journalism experience, preferably at a national publication, including some work in a management role – background in fundraising & donor recruitment also sought – apply by Aug. 15

The ALCU has let us know they are still actively recruiting for this New York-based Communications Strategist opportunity – 3+ years’ professional experience in media, strategic communications, journalism, content creation, digital communications, and/or public relations required – we also note these posts in the DC office:
McCabe Message Partners is recruiting for an Account Manager/Director (listed under heading Experienced Manager) with 5-10 years of communications experience, strong writing & presentation skills, knowledge of health and healthcare policy & prior agency experience.

Our friends at the DC Dept. of Transportation have passed along this fresh Community Engagement Manager role suited for candidates with a background related to community organizing and/or community development – $104k-$146k – apply by July 15

This is outside our normal focus, but perhaps one of you has (or know someone with) the background in financial management, accounting & administration, preferably for an international NGO working with USAID & DfID funding, sought by the National Democratic Institute for this Yangon, Myanmar-based Resident Senior Finance & Administration Manager post – apply by July 15

New with the Union for Concerned Scientists since our mid-June check-in:
International refugee & resettlement group HIAS seeks Special Assistant to the President & CEO with 3-4+ years’ experience at a nonprofit desired, preferably with administrative and event planning.

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Public Affairs Officer – $69k-$128k – apply by July 13

Defense Threat Reduction AgencyPublic Affairs Specialist – $83k-$108k – apply by July 15

Communications Specialist – experience in social media/marketing & analytics, knowledge of the Middle East & North Africa region, and fluency in Modern Standard Arabic sought.

The University of Washington is seeking a DC-based Assistant to the Director, Office of Federal Relations with 2+ years’ office/admin experience, preferably in public affairs, government relations, or legislative environment.

1 comment:

  1. Abrar Omeish for Fairfax County Public School Board - Manager & other roles

    Energetic team of young progressive candidate for School Board in Fairfax County seeks an experienced and driven campaign manager and passionate, self-accountable team members of varied talents. Applicants looking to manage would ideally have held a leadership position on a campaign before. Other team members should be effective task managers and have had some political exposure. The campaign must coordinate with countywide candidates to mobilize about 90,000 individuals in a four month period (for November). Specifically, with the 2019 election being its initial project, the campaign seeks to:
    --A: Turnout and remind usual (Democratic) voters
    --B: Map out institutions and groups of underrepresented communities and actively reach out to educate, inspire, and mobilize turnout of new power
    --C: Organize following the Obama 2008 snowflake model to put in place a lasting turnout and accountability structure for the candidate

    The team prides itself in a culture of collective investment in each other and exhibits a flexible leadership structure.

    Manager Responsibilities:
    --Study/have a strong understanding of the county and its key players
    --Devise a detailed plan towards victory in November
    --Execute the plan and additions of the candidate and her previous team
    --Identify the goals/tasks necessary to complete and manage a team of staff to coordinate field, finance, communications, policy, volunteers.etc.
    --Field: conduct power mapping and connect with/schedule key individuals, utilize VAN to identify and mobilize towards targets, coordinate literature/yard sign distribution
    --Communications: social media strategy, newsletters, candidate videos, email strategy,
    --Finances: developing lists, raising funds,
    --Volunteers: coordinating engagement, managing schedules, partaking in recruitment
    --Policy: research, prepare for debates, develop agendas,
    --Manage this team, including the candidate, and volunteers (including students)
    --Oversee general office functions and maintain the space
    --Organize the campaign calendar and proactively look for and add events
    --Brief the candidate on relevant information for each event
    --Provide the candidate with daily agenda to achieve set goals and ensure goals are met overall
    --Coordinate with other local campaigns and the Fairfax County Democrats

    Manager applications should include:
    --Cover letter or list of political experiences with descriptions and desired salary range
    --Proposed detailed plan to address campaign goals and win in November

    Team member applications should include:
    --Cover letter or list of political experiences with descriptions and desired salary range
    --Proposed outline of value-added to the campaign

    Applicants should send materials in a single email with the subject line “Job interest: [Full name]” to join@abraromeish.com. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
