Friday, October 15, 2021

Fueling Your Friday Job-Search

Hello Friday job-coveters! We hope one (or more) of these fits your fancy, or at least that you get something out of the weekend festivity listings.

1) The Intelligence & National Security Alliance is seeking a Marketing & Communications Coordinator with 3-4 years marketing/communications experience & excellent writing/editing chops; graphic design skills a plus – $50k-$55k

2-4) American Enterprise Institute

5-7) APCO Worldwide

8) The AtlanticAssociate Editor, Books & Culture – DC or New York

9) British EmbassyChief Communications Officer, Military & Defence – $62k – apply by Oct. 20

10) CBS News Broadcast Associate

11-12) Center for American Progress

13-14) Communities in Schools – see also main career page

15-17) Edelman PR

18-19) Exelon Corp.

20) George Mason UniversityAssociate Director of Development, College of Humanities & Social Sciences – apply by Nov. 2

21-23) George Washington University

24-25) Howard University

26) Leukemia & Lymphoma SocietyCampaign Fundraising Manager

27) National Association of Chemical Distributors SeniorVice President of Government Affairs

28) National Society of Professional EngineersManager, Advocacy & Government Relations

29) National Association of RealtorsFederal Housing & Fair Lending Policy Representative

30) National Latina Institute for Reproductive JusticeSocial Media Manager – $65k-$75k – Spanish language skills preferred

31) Pew Charitable TrustsSenior Associate/Copy Editor supporting Stateline

32-35) Porter-Novelli – DC & other major cities for these:

36-38) Smithsonian Institution (scroll to find)

39) United Health GroupVice President, External Affairs – Atlanta, GA

40-42) Women for Women International – see also main career page

43-44) World Resources Institute

Best wishes for an excellent weekend from your favorite™ public affairs jobs resource.  You'll find some beery & oyster-centric happenings to fuel your Saturday & Sunday below; check out our Fall Festival round-up to help you plot further excursions from into November.

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