Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Just Internships

Here's a listing of 109 DC-area internship opportunities – mostly related to public affairs. Please note – the * indicates that the Spring semester application deadline appears to have passed. Of course, the information found in these links is believed accurate, but you should probably verify that opportunities are still available if you have any questions/doubts.

Please pass this along to anyone interested in internships/fellowships this Spring or beyond. I also welcome you to post any links to public-affairs intern opportunities in the comments section. I'll remove any that look like spam or not related to public affairs.

1) AIPAC – apply by Jan. 1
2) Altria Corp. – DC Co-op/Intern opportunity, look for other Altria opportunities nationwide at
3) American Bankers Association – Nov. & Dec. start times listed, may already be filled
4) American Chemical Society
5) American Councils for International Education
6) American Enterprise Institute
7) American Foreign Policy Council *
8) Analytic Services
9) APCO Worldwide *
10) Aspen Institute
11) Avisar
12) Atlantic Council of the US *
Atlantic Media (fellowships and intern opportunities - publishes The Atlantic magazine, National Journal, Congress Daily, the Hotline, Government Executive and more)
14) Atlas Economic & Research Foundation
15) Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Brookings Institution
17) Burson-Marsteller
18) Capitol Hill Opportunities via
19) Carnegie Endowment for World Peace – fellowships
20) Cato Institute *
21) Center for Defense Information
22) Central Intelligence Agency *
23) Center For Responsive Politics
24) Center for International Policy *
25) Center For National Policy
26) Center for Technology & National Security – apply by Dec. 1
27) Center for Strategic & Intl. Studies – apply by Nov. 30
28) Center for the Study of National Reconnaissance
CNN – John King unit, apply by Dec. 5
31) Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
32) Congressional Management Foundation
33) Conservation International
34) Council on Foreign Relations – DC & NYC
36) Democratic Cong. Campaign Committee – apply by Jan. 5
37) Democratic National Committee – could only find 2007 intern info on site
38) Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
39) Dow Jones Newswires – summer 2009, search DC location
40) Earthjustice
41) Economic Strategy Institute *
42) Eisenhower Institute - Dec. 1 deadline suggested
43) Ethics & Public Policy Center
44) Farm Sanctuary
45) Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
46) Fleishman-Hilliard PR – list of intern program contacts nationwide, possibly out-of-date
47) Fox Cable Networks – look for National Geographic Channel opportunities in DC
48) Food & Water Watch
49) Foundation on Economic Trends
50) Freedom Forum
51) FreedomWorks – formerly Citizens for a Sound Economy
52) The Fund For Peace
53) HALT (Help Abolish Legal Tyranny)
54) Henry L. Stimson Center *
55) Heritage Foundation
56) Hudson Institute
57) Human Rights First
58) Human Rights Watch
59) Institute for Global Engagement
60) Institute for Policy Studies
61) Inter-American Dialogue – apply by Dec. 1
62) InterAction – apply by Jan. 12
63) Intl. Peace Operations Assn. – apply by Nov. 28
64) Joint Center for Political & Economic Studies
65) Ketchum PR *
66) The Magazine Group
67) Middle East Institute *
68) Migration Policy Institute *
69) NARAL/Pro-Choice Maryland – apply by Dec. 12
70) National Academies – physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, or geology majors only
71) Natl. Assn of County/City Health Officials – apply by Dec. 7
72) National Democratic Institute
73) National Endowment for Democracy
74) National Gallery of Art – Summer and Fall 2009 opportunities
75) National Governors Association
76) National Institute for Public Policy
77) National Republican Congressional Committee
78) National Republican Senatorial Committee
79) National Security Archive – apply by Dec. 1
80) New America Foundation
81) Nixon Center – apply by Dec. 15
82) Malaria No More – not sure if DC- or NYC-based opportunity
83) Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference – Virginia Beach, Va.
84) Military Times
85) One Economy
86) PBS
87) Pepco – Summer 2009 only, DC and other locations
88) Population Reference Bureau – fellowships for 2009 grads
89) Progressive Policy Institute – shows 2008 info only
90) Radio One
91) ReallaeR
92) Red Cross
93) Republican National Committee – apply by Dec. 15
94) Resources for the Future – fellowships & internships
95) RESULTS Educational Fund – at least one opportunity notes a Nov. 30 deadline
96) Sanofi Pasteur
97) Slate/DoubleX
98) Special Olympics of Virginia – Richmond, Va.
99) Sustainable Agriculture Coalition
100) United Press Intl. – also: paid marketing opportunity
101) Urban Institute – research assistants/summer internships
102) US Commission Intl. Religious Freedom – apply by Dec. 15
103) US Institute for Peace – fellowships for full-time DC-area college students only
104) Washington Institute for Near East Study
105) Washington Post/Express
106) Woodrow Wilson International Center *
107) World Resources Institute
108) Worldwatch Institute – no 2009 info posted
109) World Wildlife Fund – some opportunities close in December

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation does not have any internship opportunities – but they do offer some resources on volunteering in the non-profit arena

The National Association of Schools of Public Administration also provides a broad-based source of relevant resources.


  1. This is great stuff. Thankyou! There are some internships at National Association of Insurance commissioners. look under employment at - sorry I don't know how to link directly!

  2. also Island Press

    I know they have 2009 internships to fill. saw it in doesn't look like it pay much.
