Saturday, January 24, 2009

Three Days, part 2

Day Two - Association/Advocacy Groups – Media/Journalism

We're at the mid-point of Three Days of the Intern. You can find yesterday's edition (and some background information and search advice) right here. Happy hunting.

Association/Advocacy Groups

89) AIPAC – Mar. 2
90) American Bankruptcy Institute
91) American Bar Association
92) American Councils for International Education
93) American Diabetes Association
94) AFCEA Educational Foundation
95) American Lung Association
96) American Nuclear Society – broad list of opportunities
97) Airline Owners & Pilots Assn. – Fredrick, Md. – must be instrument-rated pilot – Feb. 27
98) Arab American Institute
99) Center for Public Integrity – Feb. 6
101) Children’s Defense Fund
102) Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
103) Consumer Electronics Association
104) Consumers Unions (just Yonkers, NY opportunities shown; you’ll have to figure out how to get placed in the DC office yourself)
105) Drug Policy Alliance Network – April 20
106) Farm Sanctuary – DC, Orland CA, NYC, Watkins Glen NY, New Orleans
107) Fight Crime, Invest in Kids
108) FINCA International
109) Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
110) HALT (Help Abolish Legal Tyranny)
111) Human Rights First
112) Human Rights Watch
113) Institute for Defense Analyses
114) International Peace Operations Association
115) Malaria No More – DC or NYC?
116) Marijuana Policy Project
117) Men’s Health Network
118) Military Families United
119) Moving Picture Institute – NYC, DC or CA – more info
120) NARAL/Pro-Choice Maryland
121) National Association of County & City Health Officials – Feb. 15
122) National Association of Insurance Commissioners
123) National Breast Cancer Coalition
124) National Security Archive – George Washington University
125) National Trust for Historic Preservation – also Preservation magazine
126) National Women’s Law Center
127) OMB Watch
128) ONE Campaign
129) Population Reference Bureau – fellowships for 09 grads – Feb. 26
130) Population Services International
131) Red Crossadditional search tools
132) Results Educational Fund
133) Retail Industry Leaders Association
134) Search for Common Ground
135) United Nations Foundation – Jan. 30
136) United Nations World Food ProgrammeDC office contact info
137) US Center for Global Engagement
138) Volunteer Fairfax (volunteer opportunities)
139) Washington Legal Foundation
140) This is just a snapshot of internship opportunities in associations and other advocacy groups. You can search for more associations in the Weddles Association Directory, or the Association Yellow Book - possibly available at your school career office, or in DC area public libraries (I know the Alexandria Library carries it, for one).


141) ABC News
142) America Abroad Media
143) Atlantic Media – fellowships and intern opportunities – publishes The Atlantic, National Journal, Congress Daily, Hotline, Government Executive and more
144) CBS News – Feb. 28
145) City Paper
146) Chronicle of the Horse (Middleburg, Va.)
147) CNN/Time-Warner – includes AOL – search for various intern opportunities nationwide – more info here
148) Congressional Quarterly – Jan. 31
149) C-SPAN
150) Discovery Communications
151) Dow Jones – also, Intern, Corporate & Regulatory News
152) Foreign Policy – Feb. 20
153) Foreign Service Journal
154) Fox – search via internship category – no public affairs oriented opportunities currently listed
155) Fox5/WDCA – Mar. 27
156) Hedrick Smith Productions
157) The Hill
158) Hispanic Journalism Foundation
159) Institute for Humane Studies – Journalism Internships – Jan. 31
160) MSNBC (no DC info listed)
161) NBC
162) NBC4 – Mar. 11
163) The Nation
164) National Public Radio – Feb. 15
165) New York Times
166) PBS
167) Phillips Foundation Journalism Fellowships – starting Sept. 09 – March 2
168) Radio One
169) Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press – Jan. 31 – fellowships also available
170) Science
171) Sirius/XM
172) Stateline
173) Voice of America
174) Washington Post
175) Washington Times (scroll to bottom) – Intern blog
176) Washingtonian – Mar. 1 (Advertising Internship deadline: May 15)
177) WJLA – Mar. 15
178) WUSA9
179) I could not find intern info at Roll CallPoliticoWeekly Standard – but perhaps you can find it, or, alternately, talk your way in the door.

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