Sunday, January 25, 2009

Three Days, part 3

Day Three – PR Firms – Corporate – Government
Environmental – Misc. Additions – A Final Note

It's the final installment of our public affairs + communications internship special - Three Days of the Intern. You can see DC-area internships in Think Tanks/NGOs and Capitol Hill/Political Groups here, as well as intern opportunities in Advocacy/Associations and Media/Journalism.

We have an especially large group of public relations intern opportunities listed below. Please note: in many cases, you'll just get main career pages or contact info – with no specific PR internships shown. Your own ingenuity in finding the appropriate contact, and making an effective pitch for yourself, may help separate you from other aspirants for these positions. Also, you may wish to check out the growing number of PR blogs (and social marketing efforts) attached to these sites for intelligence on the culture and contacts at these firms.

PR Firms (includes marketing/advertising agencies)

180) Adfero Group
181) APCO Worldwide
182) Belmont, Inc.
183) Borenstein Group
184) Boscobel Communications
185) Brand Bureau
186) Brand Resources Group
187) Brightline MediaBrightline Interactive
188) Brodeur Partners
189) Brotman-Winter-Fried
190) Burson-Marsteller – Feb. 20
191) Commcore Consulting
192) Commonwealth Consultants
193) CRC Public Relations
194) Crosby~Volmer
195) CRT/Tanaka – Richmond, Va. – Feb. 1
196) DDB – here’s a puzzler for you: DDB references a Washington DC office here, yet it’s not easily found in their website. So, it’s up to you to figure out if there’s any opportunity there. Try the blogs, perhaps?
197) Edelman
198) FD Dittus Communications – look for HR info under “about us”
199) Fleishman-Hillard
200) John Adams Associates
201) Glover Park Group
202) GMMB
203) GMYR
204) Golin Harris
205) Hager Sharp
206) IMRE – Baltimore
207) John Adams Associates
208) Jones Public Affairs
209) Ketchum
210) Levick Strategic Communications
211) LiveWire Media Relations
212) LRG Inc. – click on careers
213) Merritt Group
214) MYS&L – Mar. 15
215) MWW
216) National Media
217) Ogilvy PR – I could find no Internship listings – but, they seem to pride themselves on answering your questions, so why not take them up on it?
218) O’Keeffe & Company
219) Porter-Novelli – just finished a major site redesign; perhaps intern info will be added later
220) Potomac Communications Group
221) Quorvis Communications
222) RMR & Associates – note: info appears possibly out-of-date
223) Ruder FinnExecutive Training, NYC
224) Sage Communications
225) Smith & Harroff
227) Spectrum Science Communications – April 1
228) SpeakerBox
229) Stanton Communications
230) Strat@Comm
231) Stokefire Consulting
232) Susan Davis International
233) Trahan Burden Charles
234) Vanguard Communications
235) Virilion
236) The Wade Group
237) Waggener Edstrom
238) Weber Shandwick
239) Widemeyer Communications – fellowship
240) Xeonophon Strategies
241) zcomm
242) Zeno Group


243) Altria Corp. – variety of intern/co-op opportunities, many in Richmond, Va.
244) Astra-Zeneca
245) Avisar
246) Battelle – Policy Intern – note: I could not find this listing at the Battelle website, so you should probably verify this opportunity before expending too much effort
247) Blue Cross/Blue Shield
248) Dominion Resources – many in Richmond, Va. – search using Intern/Co-op category – public affairs, advertising and communications opportunities
249) GEICO – Fredricksburg, Va.Chevy Chase, Md.
250) The Magazine Group
251) Motley Fool
252) Monsanto Corp.
253) Norfolk SouthernVisual Communications & Design (Norfolk, Va)
254) One Economy Corp.
255) The Polling Company/WomanTrend
256) TRINET Internet Solutions Inc. – web development and marketing internships
257) Under Armour – Baltimore, Md.


258) Architect of the Capitol – law student internship – Feb. 6
259) Central Intelligence Agency – also, Program Analysis info
260) Dept. of Agriculture
261) Dept. of Commerce
262) Dept. of Education
263) Dept. of Health & Human Services
264) Dept. of Housing & Urban Development
265) Dept. of Interior
266) Dept. of Labor
267) Environmental Protection Agency
268) Federal Communications Commission - Office of the Inspector General
269) Internal Revenue Service – also: opportunities for law students
270) Justice Department
271) Millennium Challenge Corp.
272) National Security Agency
273) Securities & Exchange Commission - some opportunities close Jan. 30
274) State Department
275) Treasury Department
276) USAID
277) White House Internships
278) Many more opportunities available via student and recent grad info


279) Conservation International
280) EarthJustice – DC, NYC, Oakland & elsewhere
281) Environmental & Energy Study Institute
282) Food & Water Watch
283) Global Green USA – some opportunities are DC-based
284) Nature Conservancy – search via DC Metro area
285) National Parks Conservation Association
286) Resources for the Future
287) Sierra Club and Sierra Student Coalition
288) Student Conservation Association – nationwide opportunities
289) World Wildlife Fund
290) There are dozens of other environmental groups worth exploring. Here are some listings of other green/conservation groups to keep you busy hunting: U. Michigan/ MELDIEnvirolinkNRDCAbout.comNWF database, search by type or location.

Misc. Late Additions

291) AARP
292) Catholic Relief Services – selected universities only
293) Humane Society of the U.S. – law clerk opportunities and a variety of undergrad internships
294) National Center for Public Policy
295) Samaritan Ministry of Greater Washington – Communications Intern
296) Washington National Opera – Mar. 15
297) Wolf Trap Center for the Performing Arts – Mar. 1
298) World Bank – Jan. 31
299) World Relief – Baltimore, Md. and elsewhere

300) A final note: one trove of potential opportunities that I have not yet explored - charitable/philanthropic foundations in the Washington area (and beyond). The Council on Foundations links list is impressively extensive, but unfortunately not geographically aligned. The SRA International list is shorter, but also not location-specific. However, the Foundation Center database is searchable by state, and they also supply this reference (note: pdf link) showing the largest DC-area foundations by giving and assets.

Happy hunting from DCPA+CJ !


  1. Hello, your link to CRT/tanaka is broken. It should be


  2. Thanks for the heads-up JRH - I've fixed it.

  3. DDB has an Issues & Advocacy practice in DC, a satellite office for the Seattle office.
