Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Faster Cures, Fair Chances - and Ploughshares!

Child Fund International – this Richmond, Va.-based group was founded in 1938 to help children displaced by war between China & Japan. Join them in their greatly-expanded mission:
Council on State GovernmentsAdmin Assistant (pdf) – $35k-$43k

We’re all in favor of beating swords into ploughshares – but what the hell are we going to do with all of those ploughshares? Whatever your answer, we suggest not posing the question at your interview with nuclear weapon opponents at the Ploughshare Fund for:
We’re pretty convinced we (and you) would feel good about being a part of FasterCures, whose mission is to identify and implement global solutions to accelerate the process of discovery and clinical development of new therapies for the treatment of deadly and debilitating diseases. Here’s your chance:
Weber Shandwick’s Octagon sports/talent management operation has permanent & temporary marketing-related opportunities. Try to figure out which one we would covet.
Three-to-five years graphic design experience, along with Mac desktop publishing & Photoshop chops will earn you consideration for the Graphic Designer/Assistant Director of Communications job with the Amalgamated Transit Union.

Executive Director of Undergraduate Programs (use posting # 0601471) with George Washington University – strategically develops programs and opportunities that encourage the continuing affiliation of undergraduate business alumni via constituency management, outreach, marketing and promotional efforts. GW is also looking for a Photographer, University Relations (0601486) @ $15/hr.

Two new opportunities with the United Nations Foundation:
American Chemistry CouncilCoordinator, Advocacy and Industry Statistics – you get to hang out with the PIPS - Plastics Industry Producers’ Statistics Group.

Staying on the periodic table beat – American Chemical Society:
Kinghorn, Hilbert & Associates LLC, a non-partisan government consulting firm located on Capitol Hill, has an immediate opening for a legislative/lobbying position focusing on defense, transportation, R&D, appropriations and federal grants. There’s a joke in here somewhere about their stodgy, old-school-sounding firm name, but we can’t quite come up with it.

Better jump on this 19-day-old Media Policy Coordinator posting with Ion Media Networks before your friends do. Like right now.

The Atlas Economic Research Institute is currently seeking a highly organized, detail oriented Executive Administrative Assistant to work directly with the President/CEO.

Madeleine Albright, Terry Sanford, Cyrus Vance, Edmund Muskie, Michael Barnes, Leon Panetta and Tim Roemer are your predecessors as President of the Center for National Policy. Search managed by Russell Reynolds Associates.

National Endowment for Democracy
Assistant to the Vice President for Government Relations & Public Affairs – the ideal candidate will possess degree in international affairs, politics, or a similar field, along with a strong interest in promoting democracy worldwide. Also seeking part-time Web Communications Assistant; WordPress/Drupal experience helpful.

Population Reference BureauProgram Assistant, International Programs

The Red Cross seeks dynamic and experienced candidates for probably pretty challenging Director of International Communications job. French and/or Spanish language skills especially desired. Can also search here, using 8037BR. Also on their wish list: Specialist, Federal Relations (8027BR).

Got 15 hours a week to help under-served youth of DC? You could be an Intern (communications, program or development) with Fair Chance. Grad students preferred.

Today's resource: career advice and jobs of the progressive, lefty variety from – and Halloween costume advice, too. We're going as #47 on their list, just like we do every year.

1 comment:

  1. As much as I believe that people should do what they are good at, may I suggest just change things up this year, you wear an small sign or badge that reads: "Bah Humbug!" That way you can go as Scrooge. You know chicks dig a guy with creativity....
