Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Spring 2010 Intern Special

November appears to be prime season for Spring Intern application deadlines, so it's time bring you a selection of (mostly) DC Intern jobs/opportunities as our Tuesday special.

The operative word here is selection. You can unearth more organizations and opportunities by using our previous Summer Intern extravaganza to find more targets for your sparkling resumes and thoughtful application letters, or use some of our earlier industry-focused editions to identify prospects:
Also worth checking out: StudentJobs.gov

Please note: some of these following links will take you to outdated info; it is the most recent material we could find, and in many cases will probably be updated soon.

We welcome any additions or corrections from HR or Intern-program staff at these or other groups. Contact info at right under about me.

1) AARP Magazine and AARP in general
2) AIPAC – Nov. 13
3) Altria Corp (search req # 11112BR)
4) American Bar Association
5) American Bus Association Foundation
6) American Bankers Association
7) American Diabetes Association
8) American Enterprise Institute
9) American Foreign Policy Council – Nov. 15
10) American Heritage Publishing
11) APCO Worldwide – Nov. 11
12) Avisar
13) Atlantic Council of the US – Dec. 1
14) Atlantic Media
15) British Embassy – apply by Nov. 15
16) Brookings Institution – also available: Fellowship info
17) Burson-Marsteller
18) Capitol Hill opportunities via Hill Zoo
19) Carnegie Endowment for World Peace
20) Cato Institute – Nov. 1
21) Center for Defense Information (pdf) – Nov. 15
22) Central Intelligence Agency – Summer 2010 employment deadline is Nov. 1
23) Center for International Policy – Nov. 20
24) Center for National Policy
25) Center for Responsive Politics – Jan. 1
26) Center for Technology & National Security Policy – Dec. 1
27) Center for Strategic & International Studies
28) CNN (scroll down for extensive listing) – Nov. 18
29) Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
30) Congressional Management Foundation
31) Conservation International (scroll down)
32) Council on Foreign Relations
33) C-SPAN
34) Cystic Fibrosis Association – MD-based and national opportunities
35) Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee – Nov. 6
36) Democratic National Committee – Dec. 1
37) Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
38) Discovery Networks
39) EarthJustice – Intern and Law Clerk opportunities nationwide
40) Economic Strategy Institute
41) Edelman PR
42) Eisenhower Institute – Dec. 1
43) Ethics & Public Policy Center – Nov. 15
44) Farm Sanctuary – Watkins Glen, NY and elsewhere
45) Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (search Intern category) – no DC opportunities currently shown – NY and other locations available
46) Fleishman-Hillard
47) Foreign Policy Association – New York
48) FOX Networks (search Internships) – currently not showing any DC opportunities, but we think they will have National Geographic Channel opportunities at some later point
49) Food & Water Watch
50) Foundation on Economic Trends
51) Freedom Forum
52) FreedomWorks
53) The Fund for Peace
54) Generations United
55) Greenpeace – Nov. 30
56) GreenShape LLC
57) Hager-Sharp – apply in Nov.
58) HALT (Help Abolish Legal Tyranny)
59) Henry L. Stimson Center – Nov. 15
60) Heritage Foundation – Nov. 1
61) Human Rights First
62) Human Rights Watch – Nov. 1 for DC – other locations available – don’t miss the “next page” tab at bottom
63) Hudson Instituteother opportunities appear available or forthcoming
64) Institute for Policy Studies
65) InterAmerican Dialogue – Dec. 1
66) InterAction
67) International Action
68) Joint Center for Political & Economic Studies
69) Ketchum PR – Nov. 1
70) LogiCreative Design (pdf)
71) Magazine Group
72) Marine Conservation Biology Institute – Nov. 20
73) Marmillion + Company – DC and New Orleans
74) Middle East Institute – Nov. 15
75) Migration Policy Institute – Nov. 15
76) Monterey Institute/James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies – Nov. 15
77) National Alliance of Community Development Associations
78) National Association of County & City Health Officials
79) National Democratic Institute
80) National Governors Association – updated info not yet available
81) National Institute for Public Policy
82) National Republican Congressional Committee – no Spring info yet
83) National Marrow Donor Program
84) National Security Archive – Dec. 1
85) New America Foundation – Dec. 10
86) Nixon Center – Dec. 15
87) Octagon – sports/entertainment talent management
88) One Economy Corp.
89) People for the American Way
90) Progressive Policy Institute
91) Red Cross
92) Republican National Committee – Dec. 15
93) Resources for the Future
94) Reston Association
95) Results Educational Fund
96) Sustainable Agricultural Coalition
97) United Press International
98) Urban Institute
99) US Institute for Peace – Research Assistant positions for DC-area undergrads only
100) US-Saudi Business Council – Nov. 30
101) Virginia Museum of Fine Arts – Richmond, Va. – Nov. 15
102) Volunteers of America
103) Washington Institute for Near East Study – Nov. 1 noted for one of the positions
104) Women Empowered Against Violence
105) Woodrow Wilson International Center – Nov. 2
106) World Resource Institute – scroll down
107) Worldwatch Institute
108) World Wildlife Fund

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