Thursday, January 20, 2011

Intern Days, 2011

With deadlines approaching for Summer 2011 internships, DCPA+CJ brings you another intern-centric blowout: Intern Days 2011 (posted between Jan. 20-30).

A few caveats, before we dive in:
  • In some cases, the link provided will take you to a main career page. This means you need to search further to find the internship (or multiple internships).
  • In a few cases, you may see outdated or incomplete info - meaning that this group hasn't updated their Summer '11 intern info yet. Of course, you could get ahead of the game by submitting your resume and cover letter early.
  • HR, intern-programming folks, and other interested parties are more than welcome to post links to their opportunities in comments, or send them to us - contact info here.
See also:

Intern Special, Part II Media and Advocacy/Association
Intern Special, Part III
Humanitarian/Relief & International Development and Environmental/Conservation
Intern Special, Part IV Public Relations/Communications, Corporate & Miscellaneous

Think Tanks & Public Policy Organizations

Acton Institute – Grand Rapids, MI
Africa Policy Information Center
American Enterprise Institute – see also opportunities for Spring 2011 graduates (scroll down)
American Foreign Policy Council – Mar. 15
American Institute for Contemporary German Studies – Mar. 1
American Institute for Economic Research – Barrington, MA – Apr.1
Americans for Prosperity
American Solutions – energy policy
Asia Foundation – DC & San Francisco, CA – Apr. 11
Asia Society – New York
Aspen Institute – DC & Aspen, CO – Jan. 31 deadline for the latter
Atlantic Council for the US – May 15

Bill of Rights Institute
Bipartisan Policy Center – Apr. 15
British American Security Information Council
Brookings Institution

Cato Institute – Mar. 1
Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs – New York
Carnegie Endowment for World Peace
Cascade Policy Institute – Portland, OR – apply by Jan. 31
Carter Center – Atlanta, GA – Mar. 1
Center for a New American Security – Mar. 1
Center for American Progress – Feb. 1
Center for Digital Democracy
Center for Economic and Policy Research (scroll down)
Center for Individual Freedom
Center for International Policy – Mar. 19 deadline shown for 2010
Center for Global Development
Center for Governmental Studies – Los Angeles, CA
Center for Law & Social Policy
Center for National Policy
Center for Responsive Politics – Feb. 1
Center for Strategic & Budget Assessment (scroll down)
Center for Strategic & International Studies – Mar. 15
Center for Technology & National Security Policy – May 1
Center on Budget & Policy Priorities – Mar. 1
Chicago Council on Global Affairs – Chicago, IL
Council on Foreign Relations – DC & New York
Center on International Cooperation – New York
Competitive Enterprise Institute – Mar. 1
Committee for Economic Development
Concord Coalition
Council on Hemispheric Relations

e21 – Economic Policies for the 21st Century
East-West Center
Economic Opportunity Institute – Seattle, WA
Economic Policy Institute
Education Sector
Eisenhower Institute – Apr. 15
Ethics & Public Policy Center – Mar. 15
Environmental Law Institute
Eurasia Foundation
European Institute (scroll down)

Federation of American Scientists (scroll down)
Freedom Forum
Freedom House – see internships tab
FreedomWorks – Mar. 1
Foreign Policy Research Institute – Philadelphia, PA – Apr. 1
Ford Foundation – New York – specific Intern info here
Foundation for Economic Education – Atlanta, GA – Mar. 15
Foundation on Economic Trends
Fund for Peace – May 1

Global Policy Forum – New York
Goldwater Institute – Phoenix, AZ

Heartland Institute – Chicago, IL
Henry L. Stimson Center – Mar. 1
Heritage Foundation – Feb. 1
Hudson Institute

Independent Institute – Oakland, CA
Institute for Educational Leadership
Institute for Defense Analyses – Feb. 4
Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis – DC & Cambridge, MA
Institute for Sustainable Communities
Institute for Humane Studies – Jan. 31
Institute for Policy Studies – Apr. 15
Institute for the Study of War – Apr. 15
Institute for Women’s Policy Research
Inter-American Dialogue – Mar. 15
International Crisis Group – DC, New York & international opportunities
International Food Policy Research Institute
International Institute for Strategic Studies – Jan. 31

James Madison Institute – Tallahassee, FL – Mar. 31
Joint Center for Political & Economic Studies – Apr. 1

Korea Economic Institute – Mar. 25

Mackinac Center for Public Policy – Midland, MI
Manhattan Institute – New York – Jan. 28
Mansfield Foundation – Apr. 30
Media Matters – more info available
Media Research Center (scroll down)
Middle East Institute – Mar. 7
Migration Policy Institute – Mar. 15

National Academy of Public Administration
National Center for Public Policy Research
National Democratic Institute
National Endowment for Democracy
National Institute for Public Policy
National Priorities Project – Northampton, MA
National Security Archive/GWU – Mar. 15
New America Foundation
Nixon Center – May 15

Open Society Institute – DC & New York
Organization of American States

Pacific Council on International Policy – Los Angeles, CA – May 2
Pew Charitable Trusts
Policy Matters Ohio (pdf) – Cleveland & Columbus
Progressive Policy Institute
Public Citizen
Public Forum Institute – Mar. 1
Public Policy Institute of California – San Francisco & Sacramento

RAND Corporation
Reason Foundation – DC & Los Angeles – deadlines vary; Mar. 26 noted for one DC opportunity
Resources for the Future
Roosevelt Institute

Texas Public Policy Foundation – Austin, TX
Third Way
Truman National Security Project

Urban Institute
U.S. Institute of Peace – Student Research Assistant positions available for DC-area undergrads

Washington Institute for Near East Policy – deadlines vary
Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars – also available: Summer Research Assistant posts w/ Mar. 15 deadline
World Affairs Council – DC-based group
World Affairs Council – Seattle, WA – Mar. 10 for Spring Quarter, Apr. 30 for Summer
World Resources Institute
World Security Institute
WorldWatch Institute

We can’t find anything new on the Google Ideas think tank

Capitol Hill/Political

DCPA+CJ Capitol Hill Jobs/Resources – Nov. 2009
Capitol Hill opportunities via HillZoo
CQ Hill Internships & Jobs
Cloture Club Jobs & Internships
Links to U.S. House of RepresentativesU.S. Senate – remember, there may also be opportunities in Congressional/Senate home district/state offices

American Legislative Exchange Council
Asian Pacific Institute for Congressional Studies – Jan. 31
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation – Feb. 25
Congressional Budget Office – Feb. 28
Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute – Feb. 4
Congressional Hunger Center
Congressional Management Foundation – Mar. 15
Congressional Research Service
Library of Congress
Morris K. Udall Foundation Native American Congressional Summer Internship Program
National Governor’s Association
Washington Offices of select Governors – additional Washington representative info
Women’s Policy Inc.

Democratic National Committee – Apr. 22
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
Democratic Governors Association
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Democratic State Party groups

21st Century Democrats
Democracy for America
Democratic Gain
Democratic Leadership Council
Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee
National Jewish Democratic Council
New Democrat Network
Young Democrats of America

Republican National Committee – Mar. 4
National Republican Congressional Committee – possible outdated – we also found a test application via NRCC sitemap
National Republican Senatorial Committee
Republican Governors Association
Republican State Party groups

College Republican National Committee (scroll down)
International Republican Institute
National Federation of Republican Women
Republican Majority for Choice

All Things Political – lists of local political and government websites
aspiring Hill Interns should check this out.


  1. Any way you could specify Paid / Unpaid ? Thanks for the links!

  2. Thanks for the kinds words. Unfortunately, breaking out the paid/unpaid opportunities would add some more labor to an already arduous process.
