Saturday, January 22, 2011

Intern Special, 2011 - Part II

See also:

Intern Special, Part I Think Tanks/Public Policy Organizations and Capitol Hill/Political
Intern Special, Part III Humanitarian/Relief & International Development and Environmental/Conservation
Intern Special, Part IV Public Relations/Communications, Corporate & Miscellaneous


ABC News and Disney
America Abroad Media
American Journalism Center – Apr. 1
America’s Most Wanted
Asian American Journalists Association – San Francisco, CA
Association of Public Television Stations
Atlantic Media/National Journal – publishes The Atlantic, National Journal, Hotline, Government Executive and more


CBS News – DC & New York – additional CBS Internships found here
Center for Public Integrity
Chronicle of Higher Education – Fall 2011 – apply by June 3 – possible Summer opportunity here
City Paper – Mar. 30
CNN/Time Warner – includes AOL & Time – search for various intern opportunities nationwide
Cox Television, Capitol Hill Bureau (scroll down)
CQ/Roll Call

Daily Caller (scroll down)
Discovery Communications – opportunities in several cities
Dow Jones/Wall Street Journal – note: deadlines appear to have passed in some cases - also we have previously seen individual internships listed via their main careers search page

The Economist – New York – Feb. 11 for most
ESPN980 (scroll down) – Feb. 15 noted in one instance

Foreign Affairs – New York – Mar. 11
Foreign Policy
Foreign Service Journal – Apr. 15
Fox – search via internship category
Fox Local Affiliates –WTTG & WDCA – Mar. 20

Gannett Corp. – see additional corporate units here

Hedrick Smith Productions
The Hill
Huffington Post (scroll down) – DC & New York

Institute for Humane Studies Journalism Program – Jan. 31
International Center for Journalists

Media Matters – more info available
Media Research Center (scroll down)
Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel – Milwaukee, WI
MSNBC – New York & Los Angeles

– nationwide
The Nation – DC & New York – Apr. 8
National Association of Broadcasters – Mar. 31
National Newspaper Publishers Association/Black Press Institute – location uncertain
National Public Radio – Feb. 15 – also holding Internship/Career Fair on Jan. 28
New Republic – deadlines vary
New York Times – DC & New York

PBS – Summer opportunities not yet posted
Politico – 2011 deadline was Dec. 1
Preservation magazine
Public Radio Internships nationwide

Radio One – nationwide
Redskins Broadcast Network
Reporters Committee for a Free Press – Jan. 31 – fellowships also available

Science Magazine
Scripps Networks/Travel Channel – search MD location
Slate – Mar. 7
Student Press Law Center – Feb. 7

United Press International

USA Today – Apr. 1 for Fall 2011 – other opportunities possible here

Voice of America

Washington Life
Washington Monthly – scroll down
Washington Post – for your future planning purposes, Nov. 1 was deadline for Summer 2011 – as was the case with Newsweek (Oct. 15)
We can find nothing – not even an HR contact – for the Washington Times
Washingtonian – Mar. 1 (May 15 for advertising Internship)
WETA – Mar. 15
WJLA/News Channel 8 – Mar. 15
Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press
WUSA – Mar. 15

Journalism Internship feed from the University of Washington – some DC listings in the mix – and a similar find from UC Berkley
American Copy Editors Society job board
List of alternative weeklies from the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies
We could not find Intern info at the Weekly Standard or National Review - but perhaps you can find it, or, alternately, talk your way in the door.
additional resources, including contact info for DC news bureaus for national and out-of-town entities
Magazine Internships from ED2010
Outdated but extensive national media internship info from Salon
Additional media resources/lists from CommentaryReal Clear PoliticsSociety of Environmental JournalistsReligion WritersAssociation of Magazine MediaAmerican Journalism Review


AARP – possibly outdated – more info here (pdf)
ACLU – DC, NYC & nationwide
Aerospace Industries Association
AFL-CIO Solidarity Center
AIPAC – Feb. 25
Alliance for Justice
Alliance to Save Energy – see also Green Campus Program (CA)
American Advertising Federation
American Apparel & Footwear Association
American Association for Affirmative Action
American Association for People with Disabilities
American Bankers Association
American Bankruptcy Institute
American Bar Association (pdf) – latest version available
American Councils for International Education
American Diabetes Association – select internship opportunities category – nationwide
American Farmland Trust
American Lung Association
Americans for Democratic Action
American Physical Therapy Association
American Society of Landscape Architects
American Youth Policy Program
Amnesty International – New York & international
Arab American Institute
Asian American Justice Center
Association for Career & Technical Education – Apr. 30

Becky’s Fund
Best Shot Foundation
BioTechnology Industry Association
Boys & Girls Clubs of America

Center for Community Change
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Center on Juvenile & Criminal Justice (scroll to bottom for application) – San Francisco, CA
Children’s Defense Fund
Citizens for Responsibility & Ethics in Washington
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership
Constitution Project
Consumer Electronics Association – see also current listings
Consumers Union
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Dairy Farmers of America – Harrisburg, Va.
Drug Policy Alliance – DC, New York & Los Angeles

Farm Sanctuary – NYC & Watkins Glen, NY
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
Foundation for Rural Service – telecom – Apr. 1
Fund for American Studies – Tisdale Technology Policy Fellowship – apply by Feb. 15
Future of Music Coalition – Mar. 1

Help Abolish Legal Tyranny

Generations United

Human Rights First
– DC & New York – Feb. 15 and Mar. 4 deadlines
Human Rights Campaign
Human Rights Watch – DC & other major cities

Immigration Equality
International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution – New York – legal & undergrad
International Stability Operations Association

Kaiser Family Foundation

Marijuana Policy Project
Men’s Health Network

NAACP Legal Defense Fund – 2nd year JD students preferred – DC & New York – apply no later than January
NARAL Pro-Choice Maryland
National Association of Broadcasters – Mar. 31
National Association of Independent Colleges & Universities
National Association of County & City Health Officials – Feb. 15
National Association of Manufacturers
National Breast Cancer Coalition
National Education Association
National Low Income Housing Coalition
National Marrow Donor Program (scroll down)
National Organization for Women – NOW also provides good intern housing info
National Science Foundation
National Trust for Historic Preservation
National Women’s Law Center
Neighborhood Legal Services Program – Mar. 1

People for the American Way
Population Reference Bureau
Population Services International
Public Justice – for JD students – DC and Oakland, CA
Results Educational Fund
Reston Association

Search for Common Ground
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network
Society for Women’s Health Research
Special Olympics
Sustainable Agriculture Association

United Nations Foundation
US Chamber of Commerce – Apr. 20

VERA Institute for Justice – DC & New York – Mar. 1
Volunteer Fairfax – various volunteer/intern opportunities
Volunteers of America
Voices for America’s Children
Washington Legal Foundation

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