Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Think Tank Jobs, 8th Edition

Your Tuesday specialty programming has been knocked back into Wednesday – we hope this 8th compendium of internships & jobs at think tanks and public policy groups is worth the wait.

You may wish to consult/bookmark our listing of career pages for think tanks/public policy groups for future reference.

America SpeaksIntern info

American Enterprise Institute
American Foreign Policy CouncilInterns, Spring 2012 – Knowledge of Russian, Mandarin, Arabic or Farsi helpful – apply today, Nov. 1

Asia Foundation:
Aspen Institute:
Atlantic Council:
Brookings Institution:
British American Security Information CouncilInternships (scroll down)

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace:
Cato Institute:
Center for American Progressmore than 25 positions shown spanning a variety of disciplines & experience levels

Center for Global Development2012-13 Post Doctoral Research Fellowships – apply by Dec. 5

Center for Law & Social PolicyCommunications Intern, Spring 2012

Center for Public IntegrityEditorial Project Manager, State Corruption Risk (scroll down) – Minneapolis, MN location preferred

Center for Responsive PoliticsDevelopment Associate (scroll down)

Center on Budget & Policy Priorities:
Chicago Council on Global Affairs – Chicago, IL
Council on Foreign Relations – New York
e21 – Economic Policies in the 21st Century:
Economic Policy InstituteEditor

Education SectorInternships

Eisenhower InstituteIntern info

Foreign Policy Research InstitutePresident – Philadelphia, PA

Foundation on Economic Trends

Freedom Forum
Broadcast Technician – part-time

Freedom House:
The Fund for PeaceInternships, Spring 2012 – apply by Nov. 11

German Marshall Fund of the U.S.
Goldwater InstituteExecutive Assistant – Phoenix, AZ

Heritage Foundation:
Hudson InstituteGlobal Prosperity Program Interns, Spring 2012 (scroll down) – apply by Nov. 18

The Independent InstituteDevelopment Director – Oakland, CA

InterActionSenior Program Manager, Transition Initiative – apply by Nov. 4

International Center for Research on Women:
International Crisis Group:
International Food Policy research InstituteProgram Assistant, Communications/ Media Relations

Institute for Humane StudiesDevelopment Intern

Institute for Policy StudiesInternships, Spring 2012 – apply by Jan. 15

Institute for the Study of WarInternships, Spring 2012 – apply by Dec. 1

Joint Center for Political & Economic StudiesInternships, Spring 2012 (scroll down) – apply Dec. 15

MacArthur Foundation – Chicago, IL:
Manhattan InstituteInternships, Spring 2012 – New York – apply by Jan. 5

Mansfield FoundationProgram Assistant Intern and Social Media Intern – apply by Nov. 30

Middle East Institute:
National Center for Public Policy ResearchIntern info

National Endowment for Democracy:
National Institute on Public PolicyIntern info

New America Foundation:
Open Society Foundations:
Pew Charitable Trusts:
Pew Research Center:
Progressive Policy InstitutePublic Affairs & Editorial Interns, Spring 2012

Public Policy Institute of California
Policy Fellows/Policy Associates – Sacramento & San Francisco, CA

RAND Corporation
– multiple Analyst/Research positions available – DC and other locations

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Vice President of Communications – Princeton, NJ – apply by Dec. 31

Roosevelt Institute
Assistant to the President – New York

Texas Public Policy Foundation
Director of Outreach and Communications, Laffer Center for Supply Side Economics (pdf) – Austin, TX

Third Way
Office/IT Coordinator

Truman National Security Project
Message Writer

Stimson Center
Urban Institute:
Washington Center for Near East PolicyResearch Assistants – mid-2012 to mid-2013 – apply by Feb. 14

Woodrow Wilson CenterWeb Designer (pdf) – $62k-$81k – apply by Nov. 8

Worldwatch InstituteInternships

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