Monday, September 10, 2012

Clear Instructions

Good advice and a month in Madrid – all a part of Monday's finds.  Click here or scroll back to Sunday for previously noted opportunities closing this week.

Armed Forces FoundationPR/Fundraising Internship – help the AFF in their great work providing supportive services to members of the military community through financial grants, PTSD advocacy and outreach and recreational therapy programs.

American Federation of Government Employees
seeks Public/Media Relations Intern and Broadcast Intern (scroll down for both) – applicants must be currently enrolled in an accredited college or university, majoring in journalism or communications; relevant radio/tv-related  skill-set sought for broadcast post.

We don’t usually reference admin posts with a financial emphasis – but we’ll make an exception for our friends at the city-greening and -cooling Casey Trees with this Business Associate (pdf) post – $45k-$50k – working knowledge of Quickbooks a must – apply by Sept. 21 

Share Our Strength
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops seeks Policy Advisor, Immigration/Refugee Issues (pdf) - immigration law experience particularly sought; JD/Masters desired – see application info here

National Marine Sanctuary FoundationIntern info (pdf)

The Association of American Law Students seeks part-time Student Assistants @ $12/hr

They’re very clear on this: if you do not have at least four years of professional communications experience and outstanding writing ability, please do not apply for Communications Director post with the Treatment Advocacy Center – also explicitly and ALL-CAPEDLY noted for this $65k-$75k compensation job: applications that contain typos, grammar or punctuation errors will not be considered – which is probably pretty good advice no matter where you’re sending your CV.

Here’s a fresh PR/Communications Specialist (search DC location) opportunity with the Knowland Group – ideal candidate will have ideal candidate will PR/communications experience for high-level political campaign at the national or state level .

The American Institutes for Research seeks Senior Communications Specialist with the ability to manage complex health-related projects and provide strategic planning, behavior change/social marketing, partnership development, and other communications expertise.

Please note that the successful candidate will be required to be based in Madrid head office for the first month of work for training purposes – that’s the seductive come-on for DC-based International Institutional Relations Coordinator post with international editorial/analysis provider AFA Press.  Fluency in Spanish is a prerequisite; other language skills helpful.

From the this-seems-cool department: Director, Social Media for the Motion Picture Association of America

Microfinance proponent Grameen Foundation seeks Communications Associate to support the fine work of the Bankers without Borders initiative – international work/volunteer experience helpful

Chesapeake Climate Action Network
MSL GROUP Americas seeks an Account Supervisor as part of their healthcare practice group – Atlanta, GA

Monday’s search resource: jobs in convention/event planning from the Professional Convention Management Association

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